Inspirations from a Theoretician’s Life
Brainstorming ideas from my former life as a theoretical physicist (once a physicists, always a physicist?) that might serve as some sort of design inspiration.
Quantum error correcting codes
Peter Shor came up with the original 9 qubit quantum error correcting code
By trying to put it on a lattice, I discovered that it could be changed into a different kind of code, that was both more complicated conceptually, but simpler when implemented
And when you try the same thing on Archimedian tilings, you get all sorts of fun codes
Communication cost of simulating entanglement
Protocols for simulating measurements on a Bell pair use some interesting geometry on spheres
To figure out how these protocols work, Ben Toner and I used some fun integrals
Exchange interactions
Back in my Ph.D. days I thought a lot about exchange interactions. This is an interaction that acts to exchange two qubits, and while it would seem to not be that powerful it turns out that you can build a quantum computer just using exchange interactions. These looks like hills, but its really how to perform a controlled-phase gate using only exchange interactions
Into the Third Dimension
The two dimensional subsystem code, has a few three dimensional cousins, of which here is one.
Local subsystem codes (unpublished)
This is a dictionary of sorts for turning a quantum circuit into a quantum subsystem code
It yields interesting constructions. Here a cat state is used to measure a four qubit stabilizer
Protected: Our Current House and Attitudes Towards the Future
Cabins of the Methow
Links to some inspirational cabins/ homes of the Methow:
- Twisp cabin. Johnston Architects PLLC. Article in Sunset.
- Pauk cabin. Johnston Architects PLLC.
- Miner’s refuge. Johnston Architects PLLC. New York Times article.
- Fosters ranch cabin. Johnston Architects PLLC.
- Wolf creek. Balance Associates, Architects.
- Gunn ranch. Balance Associates, Architects.
- Delta shelter. Olson Kundig Architects.
- Stud horse outlook. Olson Kundig Architects.
Photos, Oct 5-7, 2012
We closed on Oct 2, and were out to visit the property the following weekend.
Here is the view from the very SE corner of the property looking NW. The likely building spots are at the end of the trees. The bench that this is sitting on runs roughly SE-NW.

Some of the trees (a few are in rough shape, but most seem healthy)
Another shot of the trees. Building site right in this area.

More trees:
The Test Dog thought she had died and gone to dog heaven. For a dog whose very favorite thing to do (after eating, of course) is to run through tall grass this was like Disneyland.

Walking the property I came upon a nice family of ants who had already decided on their own building site:

Directly below the trees and the building site is a lower bench. The bench has two (locust?) trees

Tree with Mt. Garner and either a bug or a bird caught in flight

Here is a shot from just below the trees. Looking at satellite images my guess is that this meadow gets pretty wet and boggy during the spring melt-off.

I walked the entire property line (20 acres is quite a lot of land). Here is a marker on one of the corners of the property.

Photos, Oct 5-7, 2012
We closed on Oct 2, and were out to visit the property the following weekend.
Here is the view from the very SE corner of the property looking NW. The likely building spots are at the end of the trees. The bench that this is sitting on runs roughly SE-NW.

Some of the trees (a few are in rough shape, but most seem healthy)
Another shot of the trees. Building site right in this area.

More trees:
The Test Dog thought she had died and gone to dog heaven. For a dog whose very favorite thing to do (after eating, of course) is to run through tall grass this was like Disneyland.

Walking the property I came upon a nice family of ants who had already decided on their own building site:

Directly below the trees and the building site is a lower bench. The bench has two (locust?) trees

Tree with Mt. Garner and either a bug or a bird caught in flight

Here is a shot from just below the trees. Looking at satellite images my guess is that this meadow gets pretty wet and boggy during the spring melt-off.

I walked the entire property line (20 acres is quite a lot of land). Here is a marker on one of the corners of the property.

Photos, Oct 5-7, 2012
We closed on Oct 2, and were out to visit the property the following weekend.
Here is the view from the very SE corner of the property looking NW. The likely building spots are at the end of the trees. The bench that this is sitting on runs roughly SE-NW.

Some of the trees (a few are in rough shape, but most seem healthy)
Another shot of the trees. Building site right in this area.

More trees:
The Test Dog thought she had died and gone to dog heaven. For a dog whose very favorite thing to do (after eating, of course) is to run through tall grass this was like Disneyland.

Walking the property I came upon a nice family of ants who had already decided on their own building site:

Directly below the trees and the building site is a lower bench. The bench has two (locust?) trees

Tree with Mt. Garner and either a bug or a bird caught in flight

Here is a shot from just below the trees. Looking at satellite images my guess is that this meadow gets pretty wet and boggy during the spring melt-off.

I walked the entire property line (20 acres is quite a lot of land). Here is a marker on one of the corners of the property.

Random Skiing Links
Random Skiing Links
Labeled mountain, peaks, and ridges. I believe the area above Sun River Lodge is call Thompson Ridge. The mountains visible through the crease above Virginia Ridge are unlabeled mountains north of Midnight Mountain. Off camera to the left, up hill, is Lewis Butte. Still looking for the name of the small pond. Also would like to know the treed mountain to the west of the Gardner Mountains. Click for a larger picture.