A Weathering Steel Retreat in the Foothills of the Cascades.
New Caelifera Gets Furniture
Moving furniture in
Oh, and this is a huge door!
Not a bad place to sit and enjoy the view
A nice place to sit beside the outdoor shower
The telescope is out. Max was beyond excited to go outside and use it.
Shelves are being loaded
Main bedroom
Another giant door
We picked up two more outdoor chairs
Door with handle
Morning light on Mt Gardner
View from the bathroom
Pantry and ladder to storage area above kitchen.
New Caelifera Gets Furniture
Moving furniture in
Oh, and this is a huge door!
Not a bad place to sit and enjoy the view
A nice place to sit beside the outdoor shower
The telescope is out. Max was beyond excited to go outside and use it.
Shelves are being loaded
Main bedroom
Another giant door
We picked up two more outdoor chairs
Door with handle
Morning light on Mt Gardner
View from the bathroom
Pantry and ladder to storage area above kitchen.
Labor Day Weekend Photos
Nothing say celebrating Labor day holiday cleaning the floors! Here are some photos during and post cleaning. Kitchen with island all spiffed up:
A nice place to enjoy a summer dinner
Ladder from Max’s bed to a secret play area above
Outdoor bed, ready to be hung
Aspen and mirror image
Greypants lights
Hard to get tired of this view
Light from Graypants
What happens when you haven’t yet bought a wine opener
Outside, now, with table
Heading Towards the Final Push
Over this last weekend to run the 11 mile and 2000 ft climb Cutthroat Classic. I survived. Meanwhile New Caelifera is itself starting to see the finish line. Notice some new changes?
The Argentine grill is in:
And the patios are in:
Outdoor shower read for install
Not just a fan, a “Big Ass Fan™”
Accent tile in bathroom
Bath tub in, tile nearing completion
At night the garage looks like it might be about to lift off
From down the hill
These (slightly dusty) pendants are awesome. At night they reflect against all the glass in a crazy pattern
Stove and counter tops are in. Dusty!
Hand rail
Heading Towards the Final Push
Over this last weekend to run the 11 mile and 2000 ft climb Cutthroat Classic. I survived. Meanwhile New Caelifera is itself starting to see the finish line. Notice some new changes?
The Argentine grill is in:
And the patios are in:
Outdoor shower read for install
Not just a fan, a “Big Ass Fan™”
Accent tile in bathroom
Bath tub in, tile nearing completion
At night the garage looks like it might be about to lift off
From down the hill
These (slightly dusty) pendants are awesome. At night they reflect against all the glass in a crazy pattern
Stove and counter tops are in. Dusty!
Hand rail
New Caelifera Memorial Day 2014
Memorial day weekend. Tourists galore! Local economy++, tranquility–. Up Gunn Ranch road, however, the universe was about the same as before. Perhaps even fewer cars than winter cross country ski season.
The outdoor ceiling is finished modulo a bit in the back and some detail work.
Drywall in, floors done, but covered, next up cedar siding:
Planning for circular driveway and landscaping
A green time of year:
Choosing a patina for the doors
It’s not an adventure if you don’t have a stick and a feather
View from Test Dog creek
Metal meets wood meets sky
Can’t wait until we can take the plastic off the windows and the patio is installed
Mt Gardner and locust tree
Genius Loci
Page 3 of “Methow Summer 2013” features a familiar house http://issuu.com/methowvalleypublishing/docs/2014summerguide_issuu 🙂
April Trip
Late April, the arrow leaf basalm root is starting to blanket the hills. Here Riser lake is joined by Mt Gardner and hundreds of flowers.
The grill flue has been installed and rusted:
Cedar siding installed
Ceiling installed
Shots from a distance
Flue awaits the Argentinian grill
Big rock surrounded by flowers. I scared a grouse from under the rock who then scared the bejesus out of me.
Test dog creek flowing
New Caelifera Rises!
March trip. Lots and lots of progress…for the first time you can really get a feel for how things are fitting together. Here is the south side…steel siding is being rusted by a combination of vinegar and salt.
East wall is more rusted:
Inside the view is amazing even through the plastic still on the windows:
So glad we have two doors to open up this area onto the big patio they will be pouring:
Distance shots
Wall of windows:
Test Dog creek wasn’t running, but second seasonal creek was
Entry awning/canopy
Google auto awesome shows Gusty surveying the land
Siding with cedar has begun
But lots more to go:
Hot cold faucet… Love the metal surround
More siding detail:
Building is complicated:
This is working out to be one of my favorite views. Its hard to see Mt Garner against the white of the clouds here, but this black metal frames it like a picture and its awe inspiring: