Heilbronn Research Fellowship in quantum information; closing date 3rd December


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Experimental Quantum Optics / Nano Optics Faculty Position at UNM

The Department of Physics and Astronomy (P&A) at the University of New
Mexico (UNM) invites applications for a tenure-track position (probationary
appointment leading to a tenure decision) in Experimental Quantum/Nano-Optics
or a closely related field.

More information can be found here.


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quantum information/computing postdoc at MIT CTP, application deadline Dec 1, 2012

The application deadline, including letters, is December 1, 2012.
Please contact Aram Harrow () with any questions.

Quantum Information/Quantum Computing Postdoc

The MIT Center for Theoretical Physics hopes to make a 2-year
(extendable to 3 years) postdoctoral appointment in Quantum
Information/Quantum Computing to begin September 1, 2013. Senior
members of the group include Isaac Chuang, Edward Farhi, Jeffrey
Goldstone and Aram Harrow in the Physics department as well as Scott
Aaronson, Seth Lloyd and Peter Shor in other departments. The
interests of this group covers almost all areas of the field and we
seek applicants coming from all areas.


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March Meeting – Deadline Nov 9

The 2013 March meeting in Baltimore promises to be exciting and packed with more great talks than ever before on a variety of cutting edge quantum information topics. The GQI sponsored program will start with a tutorial on Sunday 3/17, followed by seven symposia and six focus sessions throughout the week. 2012 Physics Nobel laureates Dave Wineland and Serge Haroche will give talks on Thursday in a separate symposium.

The submission deadline for contributed abstracts is around the corner:
Friday this week, Nov.9. To submit an abstract visit

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Postdoctoral Research Associate in Adiabatic Quantum Computation

The London Centre for Nanotechnology and University College London are pleased to offer a post-doctoral research position in theoretical condensed matter, The Postholder will pursue theoretical research into strongly correlated quantum systems covering two broad themes: i. the formation of new quantum phases near to quantum criticality and/or ii. the properties of strongly correlated quantum systems when driven out of equilibrium. The ultimate aim will be to identify general principles applicable to these systems and to develop new analytical tools necessary for their description. These ideas will be developed to make qualitative and quantitative predictions for new experiments and to provide new perspectives upon older ones. The work will be carried out in collaboration with the group of Prof A. G. Green and his broader network of experimental and theoretical colleagues.

[Ref: 1290404]
The position, which is funded by the EPSRC, is initially for one year.
UCL Grade 7 Salary Range: £29,249 -£35,938  (excluding London Allowance of £2,806)
For further particulars and details of how to apply, please see
An additional postdoctoral research position in condensed matter theory may also be of interest [Ref: 1290966]
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Postdoc positions at IQIM at Caltech

The Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM) at Caltech invites
applications for postdoctoral scholar positions. IQIM investigators, spanning
Caltech’s departments of physics, applied physics, and computer science,
conduct theoretical and experimental research in quantum information science,
quantum condensed matter physics, quantum optics, and the quantum mechanics of
mechanical systems. IQIM also has active visitors, seminars, and outreach
programs. More information about IQIM can be found at our website

Please apply online at http://www.iqim.caltech.edu/positions/index.html
Electronic copies of your curriculum vitae, publication list, statement of
research interests, and three letters of recommendation are required. Review
of applications begins on December 3, 2012; applicants are strongly encouraged
to submit all materials by that date. The appointment is contingent upon
completion of a Ph.D.

The California Institute of Technology is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action employer. Women, Minorities, Veterans and Disabled Persons are
encouraged to apply.

If you have any difficulty with the online application process, please contact
Marcia Brown ()

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Postdoc Position in Secure Quantum Communication at University of Waterloo

Currently, there is a postdoc opening in the Optical Quantum Communication Theory Group at the Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo. The research is centered around efficient use of quantum repeater architectures to distribute secret key over significant distances. We are looking for candidates who approach that problem with  security and key rate in mind.


–              Knowledge of basic security proof techniques for realistic quantum key distribution systems,

–              Interest in quantum repeater architectures and implementations,

–              Enthusiasm for mathematical rigorous treatments.

The position is available starting October 1, 2012. The application deadline is October 15, 2012, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The position is for a two year contract with an option for an extension to a third year. The salary is 60.000 C$ plus University of Waterloo benefits and will come with an earmarked travel budget.

Applications outlining relevant experience and interests are accepted until the position is filled. Please feel free to discuss the details of this opening with Norbert Lütkenhaus (). Applications should be submitted via the IQC webpage http://iqc.uwaterloo.ca/welcome/positions

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Quantum Information Postdoc at Georgia Tech

A postdoc position in quantum information theory is available as part of the ORAQL project sponsored by the IARPA QCS program. If you are interested, please send a CV, a list of three references,  and a summary of research interests to kenbrown AT gatech.edu . More information about the Brown lab and the project can be found  here.


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Postdoctoral Position in Quantum Information Processing – Dartmouth College

A postdoctoral position is immediately available to conduct theoretical research in quantum information physics and quantum engineering, with emphasis on open quantum system dynamics and quantum control. Opportunities for collaboration with experimentalists will be available. Qualified candidates should email a complete application (current CV plus 2-3 page research statement) and arrange for 3 recommendation letters to be sent to Prof. Lorenza Viola, Lorenza.Viola [at] Dartmouth.edu. Application deadline: October 31, 2012.

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CQT & UCL Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Quantum Information Science

The Center for Quantum Technologies (CQT), and University College London (UCL) invite applications for a post-doctoral research position to commence on 1 January 2013 or on a date determined by agreement. The successful candidates will be associated with the Center for Quantum Technologies (see http://www.locc.la), and with University College London (part of the newly formed London network LINQS (see http://www.linqs.org.uk/)).
Applications are especially welcomed from highly motivated researchers with a PhD in mathematics, theoretical physics or theoretical computer science, and a strong background and interest in applications of information theory to areas such as quantum foundations, thermodynamics, quantum field theory, or quantum gravity.
For any further queries on the scientific details and requirements of the post, please contact Jonathan Oppenheim () and Stephanie Wehner (). Research will be undertaken in part at UCL and CQT, with the exact nature of the joint tenure to be worked out with the successful candidate. 
CQT and UCL value diversity and are committed to equality of opportunity.
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