Dear colleagues,
I am very pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 5th International Conference on Quantum Error Correction. QEC’19 will be taking place at Senate House, London from
29th July to 2nd August 2019.
You can register here:
We are also open until 1st April for submissions for contributed talks
QEC highlights recent advances in quantum error correction, quantum control
and related topics and important theme of the conference is the way quantum
error correction influences other fields of research in quantum information,
quantum technologies, physics and computer science. Information about
previous conferences in the series can be found at QEC7
(, QEC11 (, QEC14
( and QEC17 (
Senate House is a striking art-deco building which is the headquarters of the
University of London. It is situated next to the British Museum in the heart
of London. Please see our web-page for further information about the:
This conference is organised by the Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Quantum Control group of the Institute of Physics.
The conference chair is Prof. Dan Browne and the co-chair is Dr Earl Campbell.