In the Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy Group (, in Innsbruck Austria, postdoc and/or PhD positions are available to work on three new trapped-ion projects. Details about the projects and the available positions are described below.
Interested applicants should send an email to , with a curriculum vitae and a concise motivation for joining our group. Please also provide the names and contact details of three people who would be willing to provide scientific references for you.
We expect strong motivation and commitment to research. Postdoc applicants should have proven research experience in experimental AMO physics or experimental quantum information science and have completed a PhD before starting a position with us.
Project 1: Scalable ion-trap quantum network (SciNet)
In this project we aim to develop a three-node matter-based quantum network, distributed over the University of Innsbruck campus. Each node will be a trapped-ion system containing strings of atomic ions and an integrated optical cavity. A core project goal is for the ions in each node to interact and become entangled via the transmission of photons through an optical fiber network. The SciNet project is led by Dr. Ben Lanyon and Dr. Tracy Northup, within the group of Prof. Rainer Blatt. The project is part of an international collaboration led by the group in Innsbruck. A webpage is currently under development.
Positions. A postdoc position is available to work in a new team led by Dr. Lanyon at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, in Innsbruck (see here). The postdoc will take a leading role in the development and implementation of techniques for distributing entanglement between remote quantum matter (atomic ions). In particular, the postdoc will first help to develop a new ion-trap system with an integrated optical cavity, capable of producing on-demand single photons that are entangled with one or many ionic qubits. Next, the postdoc will drive experiments to entangle ions in the new system with ions in a building 400 m away and teleport quantum states between the buildings. In parallel, methods to extend the network distance to hundreds of kilometers will be explored, supported by collaborators in Stanford.
Postdoc and PhD positions are available in the cavity-QED team led by Dr. Northup at the University of Innsbruck (see here) . In current experiments on two ion-cavity systems, we are (1) developing new tools for an ion-photon quantum interface and (2) using a fiber-based cavity to extend this interface to the strong coupling regime. The researcher will focus on linking both projects, with the goal of establishing and quantifying remote entanglement between the two nodes. New approaches — both heralded and deterministic — will be explored in close collaboration with theoretical colleagues in Innsbruck and Basel.
Project 2: Scalable quantum logic
This project is centered around the realization of beneficial quantum error-correction and medium-scale algorithms in an ion-trap quantum information processor. We want to engineer a logical qubit that outperforms its constituting physical qubits. This research is conducted on a state of the art cryogenic ion trapping system (see here) as well as in a well-established experiment based on a macroscopic trap (see here). The project is part of an international collaboration led by the group in Innsbruck.
Positions. Two postdoc positions are available in the quantum information processing team in Innsbruck (SQIP and LinTrap). One position will focus on exploring the realm of medium sized many-body quantum systems. An emphasis is laid on the implementation of paradigmatic quantum algorithms and methods to validate and verify medium to large-scale quantum systems. The second position will concentrate on aggressive development of new tools and methods towards a scalable and fault tolerant quantum information processor.
Project 3: A photonic quantum adapter for trapped ions (PhiNet)
This project is focused on exploring a way to interface light with the quantum states of trapped atomic ions. The approach is to exploit a nonlinear optical process to change the frequency of single photons emitted by trapped ions, from their natural values to those that are optimal for quantum networking. This frequency-shifter could act as a universal adapter for distributing the quantum states of trapped ions, between remote traps and other types of quantum matter. This project is funded by the 2015 Austrian START award and will be carried out by a team led by Dr. Ben Lanyon at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, in Innsbruck. More information about this project can be found here and here.
Position. A postdoc position is available in the team working on this project. The researcher will focus on driving experiments that aim to observe entanglement between an ion and a frequency-converted telecom wavelength photon. The work will be at the interface of experimental quantum information science with light and with matter. The postdoc will have the opportunity to contribute to proposals for new ion-hybrid quantum systems, linked with frequency-converted photons and work with our collaborators in Stanford.