Delta X Delta P

The science blogosphere is abuzz about Lisa Randall’s op-ed article in the New York Times. See comments at Hogg’s Universe, Not Even Wrong, Lubos Motl’s Reference Frame, and Cosmic Variance. The article just made me happy: read the following paragraph

“The uncertainty principle” is another frequently abused term. It is sometimes interpreted as a limitation on observers and their ability to make measurements. But it is not about intrinsic limitations on any one particular measurement; it is about the inability to precisely measure particular pairs of quantities simultaneously. The first interpretation is perhaps more engaging from a philosophical or political perspective. It’s just not what the science is about.

There is nothing that makes my Monday mornings brighter than a correct popular explanation of the uncertainty principle.

Optimistic Deutsch

David Deutsch thinks quantum computing is just around the corner. He has posted the following on his blog:

For a long time my standard answer to the question ‘how long will it be before the first universal quantum computer is built?’ was ‘several decades at least’. In fact, I have been saying this for almost exactly two decades … and now I am pleased to report that recent theoretical advances have caused me to conclude that we are within sight of that goal. It may well be achieved within the next decade.
The main discovery that has made the difference is cluster quantum computation, which is a marvellous new way of structuring quantum computations which makes them far easier to implement physically.

H-index Me

Many of you have probably already seen this. Jorge Hirsch, a physicist from UCSD, has proposed an interesting way to measure research impact of an author. For details, see this Nature article or Hirsch’s original article physics/0508025. The basic idea of Hirsh’s h-index is very simple. The index is simply the number of papers which the author has written which have more citations than this number of papers. Thus, for instance, if an author had written five papers with the following number of citations, 10, 6,4,2, and 1, then the h-index would be three because the forth most cited paper has only two citations, which is less than four, but the third most cited paper has four citations which is greater than three. The highest h-index among physicists, Hirsch claims, is Ed Witten who has an h-index of 110. This means he has written 110 papers with greater than 110 citations. Wow! Another important quantity Hirsch defines is the average rate at which an h-index has been changing per year over a career. This is just a person current h-index divided by the time since they first started publishing. Witten has an astounding value of 3.9 increase in h-index on average per year over his career. What this all means is very much open to debate, but heck, it’s kind of fun!
One thing which is nice about the h-index is it is very simple to calculate it using the ISI Web of Science citation tools or, more dangerously, from citebase. My h-index from citebase (access to Web of Science is painful from my current computer location) is 12. The funny thing is that Hirsch says that this is about the h index (with large error bars) at which one should get tenure. Haha, very funny!

Quantum Dot Qubits

I had seen these results in a previous talk, but now the paper is out in Nature Science. Charles Marcus’s group at Harvard has been working on building a qubit from a semiconductor quantum dot. One of the difficulties for this type of qubit is that the qubit couples via a hyperfine interaction to surrounding nuclei. If you don’t do anything about this hyperfine interaction, this causes a typical Rabi flopping experiment to exhibit decoherence rates of 10 nanoseconds. Way to short to make a useful quantum computer! But what is nice about the hyperfine decoherence mechanism, is that it is a constant coupling which can be overcome by doing a spin echo experiment. In the above paper, Marcus and colleagues show that with appropriate spin echo techniques, they get lifetimes of 1 microseconds. Nothing like that many orders of magnitude improvement, no?

My Fermion is a Boson

Recently I have been reading Quantum Field Theory Of Many-body Systems: From The Origin Of Sound To An Origin Of Light And Electrons by Xiao-Gang Wen. The first half of this book is a very well written introduction to quantum field theory in many-body systems. But what is really interesting is the second half of the book where Wen describes some of his and other’s research on interesting many-body quantum spin systems. One point which Wen is particulary excited about is that fermions can appear as quasiparticles in local bosonic lattice systems.
The place where I first learned about this sort of thing was some of the work I did in my thesis where I used the Jordan-Wigner transformation in one dimension (A good read: Michael Nielsen’s notes on the Jordan-Wigner transform.) Suppose you have a one dimensional lattice of fermions, where the fermions only interact between nearest neighbors. Let [tex]$a_i$[/tex] and [tex]$a_i^dagger$[/tex] be the annihilation and creation operators at the site [tex]$i$[/tex]. These being fermions, these operators satisfy [tex]${a_i,a_j^dagger}=delta_{i,j}$[/tex] and [tex]${a_i,a_j}=0$[/tex]. In the Jordan-Wigner transform, we replace each fermion site by a qubit, then we perform the map [tex]$a_irightarrow – prod_{j=1}^{i-1} Z_jfrac{1}{2} (X_i + i Y_i)$[/tex]. One can easily check that this mapping preserves the fermion commutation relations. Under this mapping, we can map our nearest neighbor fermion model to a nearest neighbor qubit model. It is exactly this kind of mapping, for more interesting systems, that Wen is excited about.
An interesting question to ask is how to perform the above mapping for lattices of dimension higher than one. To this end, you will notice that the mapping used above has a linear ordering and hence is not well adapted to such a task. In particular if you try to use the mapping in this manner, you will end up creating qubit Hamiltonians with very nonlocal interactions. In fact, many have tried to create higher dimensional Jordan-Wigner transforms, but in general, there were always limiations with these attempts. To this end, the recent paper cond-mat/0508353 by F. Verstraete and J.I. Cirac is very exciting. These two authors show that it is possible to convert any local fermion model into a local model with qubits (or qudits), i.e they effectively solve the problem of creating a Jordan-Wigner transform on higher dimensional lattices.
One of the points that Wen likes to raise from this work is the question of whether fermions are actually fundamental. From what I understand, while there are examples of fermions arising from these local interacting boson modes, it is not known how to do this with chiral fermions. Strangely I’ve always been more inamored with fermions than with bosons (holy cow am I a geek for writing that sentence.) But perhaps my love of bosons will have to start growing (oh, that’s even worse!)

Snarky Snark Snark

Update: Patrick says I’m very senstive. Which I certainly am. And as Patrick says, what Clifford is doing with the course sounds very very cool. So take this post with a grain of salt, or as an indication of what happens when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed (or the world?)
Update, update: Well it turns out that the answer to my question was neither (a),(b), or (c)! See the comments for the answer!
Clifford over at Cosmic Variance, tells a story

The semester started, and I showed up to teach what I thought was supposed to be the second part of a graduate string theory class, as long promised.

The first warning sign was that I looked on the online schedule to see where my class was to be held (small classes often end up in surprise mystery buildings all over campus…I like this because I get to learn of new teaching spaces over in the Humanities territories, for example), and saw that the title of the course was something like “Introduction to Relativistic Field Theory”.

So I showed up for the first class (this is three weeks ago now), and sure enough, there are the six or seven graduate students from Nick’s class…. but there are four or five students from the condensed matter group, and from the quantum information groups, part of CSI (I kid you not) over in Electrical Engineering! They saw a course with that title and, understandably, thought it was a good chance to learn some Relativistic Field Theory.

Which perplexs me. Is Clifford (a) confused that quantum information is part of the Communication Science Institute, (b) shocked that quantum information science is “relegated” to Electrical Engineering, or (c) dismayed that there are smart people in quantum information science who are interested in learning relativistic field theory, because, you know, quantum information science is just linear algebra and all?

Prehistoric Quantum Algorithms

In 1993, Bernstein and Vazirani had demonstrated a superpolynomial query complexity speedup for quantum computers over classical computers. Charlie Bennett wrote a article in Nature in April 1993 about these new recent developements in quantum computing. In this article, Charlie wrote:

An early but probably vain hope was that quantum parallelism might provide a fast way of solving problems such as factoring or the travelling-salesman problem, which appear to be hard in the same way as finding a needle in a haystack is hard, that is because they involve a search for a successful solution among exponentially many candidates. A computer able to test all the candidates in parallel, and signal unambiguously if it found one that worked, would solve these problems exponentially faster than known methods.
It is easy to program a quantum computer to branch out into exponentially many computational paths; the difficult part is getting the paths to intefere in a useful way at the end, so that the answer comes out with a non-negligible probability. This difficulty is illustrated by the factoring problem above. Suppose the quantum computer is programmed to factor a 100-digit number by trying in parallel to divite it by all numbers of fifty digits or fewer. If any of the approximately 10^50 computation yeilds a zero remainder, it will in a sense have solved the problem. But if there is only one successful path, the interference pattern among all the paths, which determines the behaviour of the computer as a whole, will scarecely be affected. Quantum computers cannot amplify an answer found on a single computation to a detectable level because interference is an additive process, to which each path contributes only as much weight as it started out with.

How strange: to use brute force factoring as the example of a hard problem for quantum computing! Amazingly, Charlie wasn’t even the first to perform this strange analogy. Here is Greg Egan in the book Quarantine in 1992:

Let a computer smear-with the right kind of quantum randomness-and you create, in effect, a ‘parallel’ machine with an astronomical number of processors…All you have to do is to be sure that when you collapse the system, you choose the version that happened to find a needle in the mathematical haystack.

Which makes one wonder, why the heck were all these people thinking about factoring and quantum computers right before Shor’s discovery? Strange, no?

Flash, Boom!

Singapore. Nothing like a thunder storm at 2 am.
I’m here to visit the Quantum Information Technology Group at the National University of Singapore, a.k.a. quantumlah. Their motto is “We do IT with qubits.” Which reminds me that I need to get my personalized Washington state license plates. In California, I had the plates “QUBITS” (because one qubit isn’t that interest). What should I get this time? I was thinking of “NTANGLD” or maybe just “QUANTUM.”