Quantum postdocs aplenty.
First up, David Poulin sends a letter about multiple postdocs at the Université de Sherbrooke:
I would like to bring to your attention several open postdoctoral positions in Sherbrooke on various aspects of theoretical and experimental quantum information processing, including:
- Experimental realization of spin qubits in various materials (GaAs, SiGe, InAs, NV centers,…)
- Experimental investigation of quantum and non-gaussian noise in various mesoscopic devices
- Theoretical aspects of superconducting qubits, circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum limited amplification,…
- Quantum information theory including quantum error correction, quantum algorithms design, and numerical methods for many-body problems (PEPS, MPS, DMRG).
The positions are available immediately and candidatures will be accepted until all positions are filled. See the attached file for more details.
Second, Jonathan Dowling at LSU sends me a note that he is looking for quantum error correcting postdocs:
I have recently gotten word of some impending funding to support a postdoc in theoretical-mathematical-computational quantum error correction, decoherence free subspaces, dynamical decoupling, and related things.
I would need the person to start likely in January 2011.
If you have any likely candidates please forward this email to them and have them contact me.
A more senior person, perhaps looking toward their second postdoc would be preferred.
We would pay up to $40K/Y for up to a maximum of three years.
(As a reference, the cost of living here is about 1/2 that of Los Angeles.)
Please forward this to any interested parties.
Jonathan’s email is jdowling[change this bracket to “at”]lsu.edu
Another person looking for postdocs is Christoph Simon at the University of Calgary:
I am looking for postdoc candidates who are interested in joining my theoretical quantum optics group at the University of Calgary, ideally starting January 2011 or soon thereafter. Our current research interests are briefly described below. My group is part of the Institute of Quantum Information Science at the University of Calgary, which encompasses several excellent experimental and theoretical groups (see http://www.iqis.org/), guaranteeing a rich and stimulating research environment.
Candidates should send an email with a CV and publication list to christoph.simon [hereiswhere the at goes] gmail.com. Recommendation letters (by email) are also greatly appreciated.
Research Interests:
The interaction of light and matter at the quantum level has played a major role in the development of quantum physics. Its detailed study in the field of quantum optics has led to the development of important applications such as the laser, and to the first experimental demonstrations of the most striking features of quantum physics, such as entanglement and quantum non-locality. But quantum optics is not ready to rest on its laurels. There are two key future challenges. On the one hand, we strive to develop genuine applications of these fundamental quantum features. Our group is particularly interested in
the development of quantum repeaters, which will be essential for future long-distance quantum communication. This motivates us to study potential implementations of quantum memories and of quantum gates between individual photons in various systems. On the other hand, quantum optical systems are ideally positioned to explore the quantum-classical transition, allowing us to deepen our understanding of how the classical macroscopic world arises out of microscopic quantum behavior. This motivates us to study the quantum amplification of photons to macroscopic levels, as well as quantum opto-mechanical systems. All these directions are pursued in close contact with
leading experimental groups.
Then there is the Perimeter Institute:
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is inviting applications for Postdoctoral Research positions. For more information please visit http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/Scientific/Applications/Postdoctoral _Researcher/
We hope you will share the news by:
1. Forwarding this information directly to prospective candidates who may be interested in this opportunity.
2. Printing and hanging the poster located here.
Perimeter Institute offers a dynamic, multi-disciplinary environment with maximum research freedom and opportunity to collaborate. We welcome all candidates to apply by November 15th, 2010, but applications will be considered until all positions are filled.