Retired Physicist

A place where really distinguished older physicists went to retire -Robert Calderbank describing quantum computing prior to Shor’s algorithm

What Would You Do?

Me: W.W.F.D.? Person: What would who do? Me: What would Feynman do? Person: Oh. Is Feynman like some kind of California Jesus? Me (with an evil Mr. Burns-ish tapping of the fingers): Yeeees.

Drunk Free Will

Suppose you are told to attempt to produce a sting of zeros and ones which is completely random. Of course, one would like to believe that one could act totally random. But it is easy to write a computer program which gets as input a sample of some of the random sequences you produce and …

Wagering Pascal

Today I decided that I wanted to calculate the probability that the god of christianity exists. If I took a poll of the average citizen of the United States I’d get something like a 75% probability that he exists. But wait, you object, the United States is not a fair representative sample from which to …

Totally Recalled

The voting pamphlet for the California recall has a few choice entries. My favorite is definitely: Trek Thunder Kelley Dear Voters, Please vote for me, thus breaking the Seventh Seal and incurring Armageddon. I will legalize drugs, gambling, and prostitution… Then there is the guy who has the following astounding qualification: Ralph A. Hernandez …adopted …

As seen on I-5

Today I passed a nun driving a SUV with a big JESUS bumper sticker who was drinking a super sized soda from McDonalds.