Diamond Age

Wired has an article about synthetic diamonds. It’s worth a read, if only for the second company involved: Apollo Diamond. AD’s primary goal is not the consumer diamond market, but they are focusing on the long term possibility of producing diamond wafers for computer wafers (high thermal conductivity, eh?) Sometimes a story really feels like …

A Philip K Dick Quote

To fight the Empire is to be infected by its derangement. This is a paradox; whoever defeats a segment of the Empire becomes the Empire; it proliferates like a virus, imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes its enemies. -Philip K Dick, VALIS

Some Old Pictures

Here are a few old pictures which I thought I’d post. The first is of house I recently moved into in South Pasadena, on Cawston Avenue. Apparently, Cawston was the name of the family which owned the famous ostrich farm in South Pasadena. I have looked closely at this picture and cannot find any ostrich …

Zuma Canyon

Two Saturday’s ago (August 23, 2003) I went on a hike up Zuma Canyon. I left Pasadena around 8am, left a bike at the top of the canyon and drove down to the trailhead in Malibu. Here is a picture of the Zuma Canyon from where I left my bike: The hike is quite beautiful, …

The First Post

Here is the first post to my new blog “The Quantum Pontiff.” What should you expect from this blog? Well, quantum pontification, of course. But also skiing, stonecarving, poker, and other exciting stuff. Well maybe not so exciting for everyone. But I’m sure my mom will like the page.