I’m trying to put together a list of people who have been hired in the United States universities in CS departments who do theoretical quantum computing over the last decade. So the requirements I’m looking for are (a) hired into a tenure track position in a US university with at least fifty percent of their appointment in CS, (b) hired after 2001, and (c) they would say their main area of research is quantum information science theory.
Here is my current list:
- Scott Aaronson (MIT)
- P. Oscar Boykin (University of Florida, Computer Engineering)
- Amit Chakrabarti (Dartmouth)
- Vicky Choi (Virginia Tech)
- Hang Dinh (Indiana University South Bend)
- Sean Hallgren (Penn State)
- Alexei Kitaev (Caltech)
- Andreas Klappernecker (Texas A&M)
- Igor Markov (Michigan)
- Yaoyun Shi (Michigan)
- Wim van Dam (UCSB)
- Pawel Wocjan (UCF)
Apologies to anyone I’ve missed! So who have I missed? Please comment!
Update: Steve asks for a similar list in physics departments. Here is my first stab at such a list…though it’s a bit harder because the line between quantum computing theorist, and say, AMO theorist who studies systems that might be quantum computing is difficult.
Physicists, quantum computing theory,
- Lorenza Viola (Dartmouth)
- Stephen van Enk (Oregon)
- Alexei Kitaev (Caltech)
- Paolo Zanardi (USC)
- Mark Byrd (Southern Illinois University)
- Luming Duan (Michigan)
- Kurt Jacobs (UMass Boston)
- Peter Love (Haverford)
- Jon Dowling (LSU)
I’m sure I missed a lot hear, please help me fill it in.