The latest newsletter for the APS topical group on Quantum Information, Concepts and Computation is now available here. But you knew that already because your a member, right?
O brave new quantum world!
The latest newsletter for the APS topical group on Quantum Information, Concepts and Computation is now available here. But you knew that already because your a member, right?
And, in a titillating (I can say that here, right?) preview of the next issue, we’ll have an article on loopholes in quantum key distribution (QKD) and how to potentially plug them, plus a brief history of the laser. But we’re always looking for more articles (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)…
No, but apparently your a member, Dave ;P
Hmmm… Guess I should go check my pigeon hole.
Better check your electronic pigeon hole since we don’t send out paper copies (unless specifically requested). Just think of the trees we’ve saved…
Hmm… I must have muddled my memories. I remember getting my the last issue, but that must have been electronicly. Maybe I’m mixing it up with something else.
And now that I check my e-pidge there is indeed a GQI news letter.