Nature on El Naschie

Nature article on El Naschie. (See also The Case of M.S. El Naschie, Continued.)

Opening scene from the Nature article, the greatest of all euphemisms, “retirement” starts off the show

The editor of a theoretical-physics journal, who was facing growing criticism that he used its pages to publish numerous papers written by himself, is set to retire early next year.

Scene two, the story so far:

Five of the 36 papers in the December issue of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals alone were written by its editor-in-chief, Mohamed El Naschie. And the year to date has seen nearly 60 papers written by him appear in the journal.

Scene three: tensions rise. Peer reviewed or not peer reviewed, that is the question:

Most scientists contacted by Nature comment that El Naschie’s papers tend to be of poor quality. Peter Woit, a mathematical physicist at Columbia University in New York, says he thinks that “it’s plain obvious that there was either zero, or at best very poor, peer review, of his own papers”. There is, however, little evidence that they have harmed the field as a whole.

And then, my very favorite, scene four, a defense and a skeptical Nature reporter:

El Naschie, who was born in Cairo and now splits his time between England and Germany, rejects any charges of sloppy peer review. “Our papers are reviewed in the normal way expected from a scientific international journal published by a reputable international publisher,” he told Nature in an e-mail signed by P. Cooper, who claimed to be a spokesperson for the editorial board of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. Elsevier, which publishes the journal, is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics, which holds that good editors “ensure that all published reports of research have been reviewed by suitably qualified reviewers”.

“in an e-mail signed by P. Cooper”? Priceless. But the villain, the villain, what does it have to say for itself:

On 25 November, Elsevier’s director of corporate relations, Shira Tabachnikoff, wrote an e-mail to Nature saying: “Dr El Naschie’s retirement as Editor-in-Chief of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals will be announced to readers in the first issue of 2009. Elsevier and Dr El Naschie have been in discussion for quite some time about the details of his retirement and the transitional arrangement for papers under review.”
In a separate e-mail Tabachnikoff wrote: “[We are] committed to supporting our editors in maintaining high standards for both the editorial and peer-review process. At times there may be discussions about particular scientific issues and fields, even at the level of individual editorial decisions. That is a part of the normal process of scientific publishing.”

No mention of what these actual procedures are. Maybe the procedures involve monitoring blogs for signs of abuse. That would be cost effective, if maybe a bad way to interact with your free laborers. Do the procedures perhaps involve having editors threaten legal action? Hm, I would think that a corporation which is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics might want to begin by apologizing for the behavior of one of its editors, no? But maybe that’s just me.
In other related news, amazingly the journal “Chaos, Solitons, and Self-publishing Editors Fractals”, has a higher impact factor than all mathematics journals. We can therefore declare, with absolute definitive authority, that all of the mathematics is of less quality that “Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.”

45 Replies to “Nature on El Naschie”

  1. Honestly I have a problem with journals published by a for-profit corporation to begin with unless it’s something like “IBM Technical Notes” or something like that. I tend to think non-profit societies are the better place for journals, but I also think peer review in general is in a very slow decline, particularly with the advent of the arXiv. Some string theorists were supposedly publishing exclusively on the arXiv over a decade ago.

  2. Perhaps this is a good place to mention that Springer deleted the arxiv references from a paper Sean and I recently published in ICALP. I corrected this on the proofs and they neither replied nor made the changes.
    It made me realize that referencing journals at all is just a polite fiction that most of us subscribe to. Really we should only reference the arxiv, since that’s what we actually read.

  3. Aram you should make them print the erratum. I mean sure you won’t make any friends at Springer, but still that would be one awesome erraturm. One you could show the grandkids 🙂

  4. Oops – I spoke too soon. After I complained a third time, cc’ing a random senior editor, I got a reply saying that it was not their policy, but a technical error and that they’d be happy to print an erratum for our article.

  5. Der ZEIT Artikel über Hr. Mohammed S. El-Naschie, den größten Physiker unserer Zeit wurde nun endlich entfernt. Es ist eine Schande wie die Neider Hr. El-Naschie immer wieder den Nobelpreis vorenthalten. Es muss mit seinem Einsatz für Israel zu tun haben oder damit, dass er Muslim oder Araber ist. Seine Theorien sind bahnbrechend und jeder der das nicht findet ist doof. Und wird verklagt. Die ZEIT hat jetzt eingesehen, wer hier den Längeren hat. Hr. El-Naschie lässt sich doch nicht von einer renommierten deutschen Wochenzeitung diktieren, was wahr ist und was nicht. Er ist der Erfinder unzähliger nach ihm benannter Theorien! Er hat in sich schon irgendwie immer recht! Und das kann er auch mit Geld und Einfluss gegenüber der ZEIT durchsetzen. Und Hr. El-Naschie hat als Leidtragender nun irgendwie im Nachhinein logischerweise auch das Recht, den Autoren Hr. Drösser mit Hitler zu vergleichen. Zum Beispiel hier in diesem Blog:
    Wie auch immer. Das Gute hat gesiegt. Nieder mit der Wahrheit, der Pressefreiheit und dem LHC! Jeder der das anders sieht ist ein Nazi!
    Es lebe das Selbstplagiat und der Wissenschaftsbetrug!

  6. Der ZEIT Artikel über Hr. Mohammed S. El-Naschie, den größten Physiker unserer Zeit wurde nun endlich entfernt. Es ist eine Schande wie die Neider Hr. El-Naschie immer wieder den Nobelpreis vorenthalten. Es muss mit seinem Einsatz für Israel zu tun haben oder damit, dass er Muslim oder Araber ist. Seine Theorien sind bahnbrechend und jeder der das nicht findet ist doof. Und wird verklagt. Die ZEIT hat jetzt eingesehen, wer hier den Längeren hat. Hr. El-Naschie lässt sich doch nicht von einer renommierten deutschen Wochenzeitung diktieren, was wahr ist und was nicht. Er ist der Erfinder unzähliger nach ihm benannter Theorien! Er hat in sich schon irgendwie immer recht! Und das kann er auch mit Geld und Einfluss gegenüber der ZEIT durchsetzen. Und Hr. El-Naschie hat als Leidtragender nun irgendwie im Nachhinein logischerweise auch das Recht, den Autoren Hr. Drösser mit Hitler zu vergleichen. Zum Beispiel hier in diesem Blog:
    Wie auch immer. Das Gute hat gesiegt. Nieder mit der Wahrheit, der Pressefreiheit und dem LHC! Jeder der das anders sieht ist ein Nazi!
    Es lebe das Selbstplagiat und der Wissenschaftsbetrug!

  7. You are talking about John Baez and someone mentioned Mohamed El Naschie so let me tell you that. It is really more than depressing to see in which publicity and media society we are living. Some wrote a great deal and I am sure with good intention. Unfortunately whether they realize it or not, they relied entirely upon hearsay. I am afraid they are being used without their knowledge to publicize what a determined little clique want the world to believe. If you are interested in facts then here are the facts. Mohamed El Naschies work was plagiarized by a group who wrote a paper published about a year or so ago in Scientific American. The group leader is Dr. Renate Loll. She works with the Nobel laureate Gerard ‘tHooft in Utrecht. She is originally German and worked in Max Blanc Inst. near Berlin. She knows Prof. El Naschie very well. Many years ago El Naschie gave a lecture in her Max Blanc Inst. in Germany. That is the first connection. The second connection is that El Naschie is a very close personal and scientific friend of Gerard ‘tHooft. Without his knowledge many scientists, students and collaborators of El Naschie wrote angry letters and comments to Scientific American complaining about Loll. This was quite embarrassing for Renate Loll and many of her friends came to her rescue. It was also embarrassing for Nobel laureate Gerard ‘tHooft because Renate got 1.2 million Euro prize for this work in addition to a 2.4 million Euro grant research money for the Inst. of Gerard ‘tHooft. In a cloak and dagger action decision was taken to punish and discredit El Naschie. That is how the whole thing started. The one man internet army John Baez was called to direct the attacks and a meticulous plan was drawn involving Nature, the Inst. of Physics, UK and finally Die Zeit in Germany. All this failed to reach the ultimate goal and now they are baffled as to how El Naschie could sustain all these attacks and stay stedfast. If you check you will find that Die Zeit first modified their article, then withdrew it. In addition El Naschie won a case in Munich against Die Zeit and another case in Hamburg is about to be won. It is established beyond any doubt that Christoph Drosser, the journalist of Die Zeit was lying. He was lying to help his friend also a German named Quirin Schiermeier who works for Nature. Nature has realized that they have been conned. They withdrew their article from the internet. There is a case pending in the High Court in London. El Naschie is a victim of a colossal defamation campaign led by all the above. Now to the facts about him. He is a scientifically and financially totally independent person since he was 30. He is now 66 and has run the journal for two decades. He neither needs promotion, nor fame nor in fact money. He got his Diploma in structural engineering from the University of Hannover. He got his Ph.D. from University College London in 1974. He was a student of Lord Henry Chilver who was the science advisor of Margaret Thatcher. He was invited to join Cambridge. He never applied nor needed to apply for a job anywhere, including Cambridge. He has published about 900 papers and his average productivity dropped when he became the Editor in Chief of Chaos, Solitons & Fractals which he founded. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals is still being produced and carries the name of Mohamed El Naschie and his papers are still being published. Scientific questions of the merit of his work should be discussed in scientific papers, not on blogs devoted to gossip. None the less, here we are. We live in a world it seems controlled by gossip. I am in Google, thus I am. It is really sad, extremely sad and the most sad point about it is that the truth nowadays is a function of repetition and publicity. John Baez notorious article about El Naschie disappeared and so did all the other articles. However from this evil defamatory article, millions of other articles mushroomed and the truth is totally lost. Then a year or two later these gossips land on your desk and you try to rationalize the irrational but all that you have done was really planned for you to do without your knowledge. I hope these facts do not depress you as it does depress me and I hope you check everything for yourself. Do not jump into conclusions. Just remember what Hitlers propaganda minister said. When you make a lie, make it so big that most people will say it is impossible for it to be a lie. Mohamed El Naschie was a great guy for twenty years running the journal which he founded for all that time. All of a sudden, after the publication of Renate Loll’s paper, everything changed and John Baez and his Zoran Skoda, the self appointed guardian of science has nothing else to do lately except defame El Naschie, his collaborators and students.
    Best regards,

  8. The comment signed by Otto Rossler makes the point of the previous comment. It is not from Otto Rossler. The comment is from a well known internet criminal and a perverted insect called Jason. He runs a pornographical blog devoted to obscenity and defamation. All what is written in German is lies and it is not from Rossler. He simply hijacked the name of a well known chaos scientist, namely Otto E. Rossler. Do you now see the point. Lies, pornography, kidnapped identity and then you are talking about a Pontiff? My dears, good luck and chow.
    The Real Pontiff

  9. El Naschie sock puppet “The Real Pontiff” thinks or pretends to think I wrote the comment above signed “Otto Rössler”. I didn’t, and I don’t know who did.

  10. “man who spends his time on these things could not be a man and not even a virus.” as opposed to those who spend time commenting on the commentors? Begone trolleo!

  11. Nothing but sick creatures whether they are called Jason, John Baez or Jack the Ripper. The internet was a great invention. People like Dr. Baez and the truly sick Jason have turned it into a sewer. A man who spends his time on these things could not be a man and not even a virus.

  12. I was discussing the disgraceful affair of Jan Hendrik Schone. My friend reminded me of the despicable media witch hunt which sometimes exceptionally good scientists are subjected to. False accusations in science are not uncommon. In fact most of the accusations of fraud in science turn out sooner or later to be tendacious or downright criminal. The false accusations against Mohamed El Naschie are very similar to those made against Thereza Imanisha-Kari who was a colleague of Nobel laureate David Baltimore. Mohamed El Naschie is a senior colleague of Nobel laureate Gerard tHooft. Not only that but he is a very close personal friend to the entire family. Therefore I find it extremely disheartening to see that the media on the internet is not rehabilitating Prof. El Naschie with the same enthusiasm with which they defamed him. For instance the famous mathematician John Baez from the Dept. of Math. Of Riverside University in California, USA owes El Naschie a big apology. I have just read an article by Baez praising the golden mean to the sky. A few months earlier he was calling anybody who deals with the golden mean like El Naschie a crackpot. Occasionally it is very easy to find out the truth about things even if one is not a specialist. The citation index of Mohamed El Naschie is in the order of 4,000. By contrast the citation index of this man who made it his business to defame Prof. El Naschie, a certain mathematician from Croatia with a remarkable name Zoran Skoda is only 10 or 12. Jealousy seems to be an affliction to which scientists and not only film stars are prone. I must say that Nature seems to be the exception. Despite the high profile and the high prestige of Nature as the leading scientific magazine in the world, they have withdrawn all their allegations and have conducted a thorough investigation to find out how they were wrongly led to write the defamatory article against El Naschie. There is no doubt that the damage done to molecular electronics by Schones deception is tremendous. However it is nothing compared to the damage wrongly caused to Imanisha-Kari and Mohamed El Naschie. I think Dr. Renate Loll from the Dept. of Physics University of Utrecht Holland also owes a big apology for the witch hunt El Naschie was subjected to. She more than anyone else knows the reason and the force behind it.

  13. The Proprietor of this blog may like to have a look at Sarah Limbricks article dated 2 Nov 2009. It is clear from this article entitled Editor of Scientific journal sues Nature that El Naschie has taken serious legal steps against the subject matter of your blog. El Naschie has hired one of Englands leading libel experts and a well established firm Collyer Bristow of London. It will definitely be a long and costly legal battle. However it is now clear to any level headed person that El Naschie must have profound reasons to take this step in the High Court. I think it is the new culture of internet defamation which must be stopped. Without the internet the allegations made by N Category Cafe could not have been possible and consequently this entire regrettable affair.

  14. Sarah Limbrick would surely be interested to know what the leading libel expert in England had to say about the Nature article complained of. He said he is in a state of disbelief that the worlds most respectable scientific journal Nature should publish an article which bears all the hallmarks of the tabloid press. Another interesting point is the conspiracy theory linking the plagiarism of El Naschies work published in Scientific American with the Nature article as well as a far worse article published in Die Zeit. Interestingly all of these three publications are owned by Macmillan. I understand from confidential sources that a mega surprise will be released at the trial engulfing highly reputed names some of whom are Nobel laureates. The site is

  15. Sehr geehrter Herr Blog-Intendant,
    anscheinend machen Sie sich ernsthafte Gedanken über Islam und Wissenschaft. Ich nehme an, dass Sie nicht an einer Verleumdungskampagne teilnehmen wollen, denn dafür gibt es im Internet genügend Personen die ihr Leben damit vertrudeln andere Menschen aus Frust zu beschimpfen und ihnen alles Mögliche in die Schuhe schieben. Wenn ich in dieser Annahme richtig bin, dann möchten Sie sicherlich folgendes wissen.
    1. John Baez ist kein ernsthafter Mathematiker und noch weniger Physiker. Er hat sich lediglich durch seine große Klappe einen Namen gemacht.
    2. Renate Loll hat viele Arbeiten veröffentlicht, die letzte in Scientific American, die nichts anderes sind als eine Reformulierung der Theorie von Mohamed El Naschie, Laurent Nottale und Garnet Ord. Dies ist eine wissenschaftliche Unehrlichkeit in größtem Maße.
    3. Als Rache an EL Naschie hat Loll die mit Baez sehr befreundet ist ihn beauftragt die Verleumdungskampagne zu inszenieren. Nature, Quirin Schiermeier und Christoph Drösser waren nur Werkzeuge von John Baez.
    4. Rückenstärkung bekommt Professor Renate Loll von ihrem Chef dem Nobellaureat Geradus `t Hooft. Schließlich wird das Preisegeld zusammen geteilt.
    5. Geradus `t Hooft ist ein enger Freund und Kollege von El Naschie. Was für eine Freundschaft. Der Rest ist Schweigen.
    6. Wenn Sie im Obergericht in London nachfragen, werden Sie wissen, dass El Naschie Nature, Quirin Schiermeier, DIE ZEIT und Scientific American vor den Kadi genommen hat. Das ist das erste Mal in der Geschichte der renommierten Zeitschrift Nature, dass sie vor Gericht stehen. Glauben Sie im Ernst, irgendein Professor wird diesen Schritt wagen wenn er im Unrecht wäre. Sie müssen auch wissen, das die größte Anwaltskanzlei Londons Professor Mohamed El Naschie repräsentiert. Diese Kanzlei würde niemals jemanden gegen Nature repräsentieren wenn er im Unrecht wäre. Die haben einen Namen zu bewahren.
    Das sind die Tatsachen und wenn Sie es unverändert in Ihrem Blog veröffentlichen dann helfen Sie dabei die Wahrheit ans Tageslicht zu bringen.

  16. The time of Huxley and Darwin were the golden age of science. Now we have funding, American style. Once you have money playing such a fundamental role, as is the case in big science, then for better or worse, ethical standards change. You remember a theorem a day means promotion and pay. Mohamed El Naschie was of course quite naïve. He is an engineer. High energy physics is not his professional work. He practices it in a gentlemanly manor as a hobby. He was woken up in a bitter way. Unlike engineers prizes are the only way for theoretical physicists to come to big chunks of money. Do I need to say more? Good luck with your litigation. You will need all your savings, El Naschie that is, to pay your lawyers.

  17. It is not just a matter of funding which is behind the defamatory article in Nature. I think prestigious prizes also play a fundamental role. I read that somewhere on the net but strangely it was removed. The prize in question seems to be the Nobel Prize. Some say that not even the devil could have thought of something as harmful to science as the Nobel Prize. They reckon it is not the prize money itself but the publicity which the Nobel Prize brings. In turn this is translated into money. Noting the recent discovery of the sleaze at the Ivy Leagues in the US I am not astonished that this cash is badly needed. If this is true for Harford why should it not be true for the Einstein Inst. in Berlin or the University of Utrecht in Holland. The names involved with Mohamed El Naschie are quite interesting. Somebody wrote yesterday that he would not be astonished if a best seller comes out of this horrific story in the next few years. It is alright for some. The same writer said try as hard as he can, he simply cannot fathom how the Editor in Chief of Nature could allow this tabloid piece to be published in his journal. He must have his reasons or he had a very deep snooze. He added that he may have had too much respect for Nature just as he used to have for the Nobel Committee. This implies that he has none any longer which is interesting. Finally the writer noted that Mohamed El Naschie had no vested interest and certainly no materialistic interest in publishing his papers because he was sufficiently rich and famous before turning to theoretical physics. The author of this remarkable comment closed by noting that any successful engineer who leaves engineering to be become a theoretical physicist should have his head checked. In other words, he doubts the sanity of theoretical physicists, Mohamed El Naschie included.

  18. I am pleased that the truth has prevailed. Nature is now accused of trying to undermine Mohamed El Naschie deliberately. This accusation is not frivolous. How else can we explain the blind vicious attack by certain doubtful blogs on the golden mean work of El Naschie and how Quirin Schiermeier the journalist working for Nature utilized these vicious attacks to write a completely unacceptable article in Nature. Then came the heavenly justice when a German professor von Storch complained on his blog that the Nature article of Schiermeier deliberately misquoted him. He was gentle enough to say that the harm was not great. However in principle the harm could have been great. No one has the right to smear the reputation of anyone whether deliberately or recklessly due to irresponsible journalism. Now to the burning scientific question. How does the golden mean enter into quantum mechanics. The answer is as simple as it is ingenious. Mohamed El Naschie reformulates quantum mechanics in spacetime following the same concepts used by Richard Feynman as well the classical work of Einstein. Since the building blocks of spacetime are his elementary random Cantor sets and because these random Cantor sets possess the golden mean as a Hausdorff dimension, the golden mean slips into the fundaments of quantum mechanics. Nothing that quantum mechanics is the most fundamental theory upon which science is based, the golden mean could rightly be described as the basis of science. From this reasoning the ideas which Ed Nash expressed in his previous comment follows effortlessly.

  19. Pardon me if repeating something above (I just don’t have time) but wouldn’t it be a good journal policy, to require even Editor’s papers to be approved by referees as much as anyone else’s?

  20. Nature’s Lawyer Taylor Wessing supposedly a reputable law firm is losing its marble. The reason is as childish and idiotic as one could possibly think. El Naschie is giving interviews in Arabic newspapers scorning Nature and its low standards. Quoting from the obscene site called Watching El Naschie day and night, they say he gave false information about the High Court Case El Naschie versus McMillan, Nature and Quirin Schermeier. El Naschie is supposed to have said he more or less he won the case and that Nature will pay him ten million pounds. I am not sure about the ten million pounds but I am sure that El Naschie has more or less won the case. Nature has no case whatsoever. Anyone familiar with British libel law knows that for sure. The third point is that Taylor Wessing is using all conceivable delay tactics. Complaining about interviews in Arabic newspapers must be an expression of Taylor Wessing’s desperate attempt to defend their client. They should know better. England is not the USA where noise and big words could score anything with the court. English judges are very cool. On the other hand, Taylor Wessing could not find a client who is more willing to pay than the rich McMillan. The lawyers of El Naschie are confident that they will win the case. Collyer Bristow are far more professional than Taylor Wessing. They have their client under control. They are calling the shots and setting out the tactics. By contrast Taylor Wessing are counting time sheets. I am ready to bet one to ten that Nature is going to lose this case no matter how well connected they think they are. Nature has been twisting things for too long and there is something like a backlash now particularly with regards to environmental issues. Quirin Schermeier lied and his colleague in Die Zeit Christoph Drosser, is on the records of the courts in Hamburg as a blatant liar. Wouldn’t it be better for Nature to donate the money they are spending on a hopeless lawsuit to some charity or even to scientific research?

  21. Nature’s Lawyer Taylor Wessing supposedly a reputable law firm is losing its marble. The reason is as childish and idiotic as one could possibly think. El Naschie is giving interviews in Arabic newspapers scorning Nature and its low standards. Quoting from the obscene site called Watching El Naschie day and night, they say he gave false information about the High Court Case El Naschie versus McMillan, Nature and Quirin Schermeier. El Naschie is supposed to have said he more or less he won the case and that Nature will pay him ten million pounds. I am not sure about the ten million pounds but I am sure that El Naschie has more or less won the case. Nature has no case whatsoever. Anyone familiar with British libel law knows that for sure. The third point is that Taylor Wessing is using all conceivable delay tactics. Complaining about interviews in Arabic newspapers must be an expression of Taylor Wessing’s desperate attempt to defend their client. They should know better. England is not the USA where noise and big words could score anything with the court. English judges are very cool. On the other hand, Taylor Wessing could not find a client who is more willing to pay than the rich McMillan. The lawyers of El Naschie are confident that they will win the case. Collyer Bristow are far more professional than Taylor Wessing. They have their client under control. They are calling the shots and setting out the tactics. By contrast Taylor Wessing are counting time sheets. I am ready to bet one to ten that Nature is going to lose this case no matter how well connected they think they are. Nature has been twisting things for too long and there is something like a backlash now particularly with regards to environmental issues. Quirin Schermeier lied and his colleague in Die Zeit Christoph Drosser, is on the records of the courts in Hamburg as a blatant liar. Wouldn’t it be better for Nature to donate the money they are spending on a hopeless lawsuit to some charity or even to scientific research?

  22. One has to be totally blinded by hatred not to acknowledge that the golden mean in quantum mechanics is the greatest surprise ever confirmed experimentally in the recent history of quantum mechanics. I for one was skeptical about El Naschie’s golden mean quantum mechanics. I was skeptical because I did not do the calculations for myself. I relied on hearsay and that there are many extravagant claims made in science based on the golden mean. That was my prejudice and my mistake. Doing the elementary calculation of the two slit experiment with quantum particles using El Naschie’s golden mean topological probability was a unique experience. See this confirm now in the laboratory is almost a divine experience. This is Paul Dirac’s criteria of beauty taken to its ultimate. It is breathtaking to know that nature is that subtle and that beautiful. Even someone who is as down to earth as Gerard ‘tHooft must admit that El Naschie’s quantum golden field theory is breathtaking in its simplicity and aesthetics. Maybe I am being over the top for the moment but you do not get every day an exact irrational value such as the golden mean coming out of a laboratory testing a fundamental theory.

  23. Sorry “Charles” you’ve stumbled on someone who actually knows what the experiment which revealed the “golden mean in quantum mechanics” is about. And it ain’t got nothing to do with anything El Naschie has ever written as far as I can tell. It’s certainly not “fundamental”: it’s a discovery about the perturbation of the critical point of a transverse Ising model where the particle spectrum is related to an E8 spectrum. It’s very cool, and good solid research as opposed to, in my opinion, the garbage that is created by the love of your life.
    Please, sockpuppets, if you’re going to spam here, at least make them interesting and not just love letters to your leader.

  24. Oh wow, reading these comments is almost as much fun as browsing vixra… Fruitloopery, sockpuppets *and* a complete inability to write in paragraphs! Surely it doesn’t get any better than this.

  25. Open mind indeed. Of course you are welcome to your own opinion (especially here in the United States where we do not have onerous libel laws which are often used to suppress free speech.) My _opinion_ is that the stuff in that paper isn’t even close to real science.
    If you want we can play “explain that.” I’ll find something in the paper which is incorrect or blatant non-sense, and you explain it to me! It will be fun (by fun I mean a waste of my time.) Let’s start with a simple one. In section 5.1 it is claimed that the mass of the charge pion is related to the mass of the electron via the elegant. M_pion= (2 alpha^(-1) -1 ) M_e. Of course this is numerology of the worst sort…the kind that is experimentally wrong:
    M_pion = 139.57018(35) MeV
    M_electron = 0.510998910(13) MeV
    alpha^(-1) = 137.035999084(51) (or is it just 137 as is claimed in the text…either way it won’t work.)
    i.e. 2 alpha^(-1) -1 = 273.071998168
    i.e. (2 alpha^(-1)-1)M_electron = 139.5394934
    Which is….not correct up to experimental accuracy. Oops, my mind isn’t open enough to accept results which are…um…experimentally ruled out.

  26. Please Dave, you forget to add transinfinte correction and gravitational correction due condensation of gravitational instantons. I promise, if you have included these type of corrections you will, hopefully, get the correct result.
    You should think in terms of the larger picture.
    El naschie and his followers usually think in terms of this large picture. To grasp reality one should be immersed in this larger picture. As Huan (one of the greatest supporter of E-infinity theory).
    You can check yours self a typical paper for Huan using E-infinity theory
    Hierarchy of wool fibers and its interpretation using E-infinity theory
    Chaos,Solitons and Fractals 41 (2009)1839 –1841
    Ji-Huan He, Zhong-Fu Ren, Jie Fan, Lan Xu
    Why do wool fibers show excellent advantages in warmth-retaining and many other practical properties? The paper concludes that their hierarchical structure is the key. Using E-infinity theory, its Hausdorff dimension is estimated to be about 4.2325, very close to El Naschie’s E-infinity dimension, 4.2360, revealing an optimal structure for wool fibers.
    The same article again with little modifications
    Hierarchy of Wool Fibers and Fractal Dimensions
    International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation,9(3),293-296, 2008
    Wool fiber shows excellent advantages in warmth-retaining and many other practical properties possibly due to its hierarchical structure. Its fractal dimension of wool fiber is calculated which is very close to the
    Golden Mean, 1.618. The present study might provide a new interpretation for the reason why wool fiber
    has so many excellent properties.
    You can notice the confilict between the two abstracts, in the first fibre wool has dimension 4.2325 (which is greater than the embedding space) and in the second it is 1.618. I hope El naschie can explain these remarkable results.
    Finally please don’t lough, these results are very remarkable if you think in terms of larger picture.

  27. Dear Dave Bacon, I do not doubt at all your expertise on the subject of Ising model. However this is a fundamental difference between the narrow view and the large picture. The Ising model is embedded in the larger picture. This is not a love letter to our leader. This is only an attempt to be fair and even handed, if you know what I mean. When you read the comments of leading scientists you will immediately realize that they are very excited about the larger picture. Charles merely points out that Mohamed El Naschie talked of the larger picture before anyone else. Prejudice creates selective reading. How else could I explain that you are forgetting the hundreds of thousands of comments coming from John Baez and his internet army as he calls it mocking El Naschie because of the golden mean. They totally overlooked that the golden mean is inert to E8. They also overlooked the necessity for an additional transfinite correction to E8 to fit completely into Hamiltonian dynamics. It is all explained in The theory of Cantorian spacetime and high energy particle physics (an informal review), Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 41, 2009, p. 2635. Since you are so familiar with this subject then you should have stumbled on some very early papers by El Naschie in which he applies his theory of the golden mean E8 to polymers as well as the Ising model. I recall that El Naschie referred to Garnet Ord who dealt with similar models. I also recall something connected to knot theory. I meant no offense and I hope my remarks are useful. Thank you for your comments.

  28. Now I know why that damned coupled rf-squid model doesn’t match experiment… (smacks head)… we forgot to add the damned transinfinite correction again.

  29. “Applied to quantum mechanics, this means that the most stable particle which can be observed experimentally will relate to the golden mean.”
    Um, the particles in the experiment on E8 and the transverse Ising model are not exactly what I’d call “stable.”
    It must be fun to live in a metric space in which the distance between the work discussed in the above comment and a Nobel prize is considered short. We shall call it the “El Naschie metric”!

  30. I have a theory that may or may not relate to the golden mean. Based on the grammatical and syntactic similarities of all of the pro-El Naschie commenters here, my theory is that they are all the same person posting under different names. I would speculate that in fact they are all El Nashie himself.
    To test this hypothesis, I ran all the comments in question through a Helmholtz Centre VAK attractor-based sphygmanometer biased with a transinfinite correction and voila, a consistent theory of quantum gravity based on E8 symmetry popped out! Of course since I’m one quarter Scottish the Nobel committee will snub me.

  31. The experimental discovery of the golden mean should come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with the VAK. The VAK attractor of Kolomogorov is a conjecture made by the great French topologist Rene Thom. It is nothing more than applying KAM theorem to quantum mechanic. KAM theorem states that the most stable stationary states which are called periodic orbits correspond to the most irrational winding numbers. The most irrational number is the golden mean. Applied to quantum mechanics, this means that the most stable particle which can be observed experimentally will relate to the golden mean. That is all folks. You see we theoretical physicists have always a minimum of new ideas. Our ideas are always extremely simple. We tend to prefer making very difficult computations rather than strenuous thinking using new ideas. All what distinguishes Mohamed El Naschie from the rest of us is that he was less lazy with regards to new ideas and extremely lazy when it comes to strenuous computations. That is how he came to the VAK and he tried it out. The discovery of the golden mean in quantum mechanic in Helmholtz Centre must be a triumph for the VAK. It is not a triumph for Mohamed El Naschie because no one person has ever done anything on his own. It is always the collective effort of humanity. If Rene Thom would be alive today, he would have bagged a Nobel Prize in physics besides his field medal in mathematics. If you do not want to give Mohamed El Naschie a prize because he is a Muslim, I assure you many Christians, Jews as well as atheists worked on the VAK. I am sure you will find somebody suitable who is not offensive to the establishment to give a Nobel Prize to for solving the mystery of quantum mechanics.

  32. “No one can take us out of the E-infinite paradise created for us by El naschie, I see it but I can’t believe it”
    Ping-Bong He
    El naschie is a real spark in the human written history, he is startling . Al his predictions based on E-infinity theory are well verified. Among many and just to name:
    1-The well experimentally verified results about fiber wool pioneered by Huan. Who showed that the Hausdorff dimension of fiber wool is to be about 4.2325, very close to El Naschie’s E-infinity dimension, 4.2360. According to Huan this reveals an optimal structure for wool fibers. This is an easy proved fact and it doesn’t need high energy.
    Hierarchy of wool fibers and its interpretation using E-infinity theory
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 41, Issue 4, 30 August 2009, Pages 1839-1841
    Ji-Huan He, Zhong-Fu Ren, Jie Fan, Lan Xu
    2- A remarkable achievement of El naschie is his unique extra ordinary talent in revealing a deep connection between double slit experiment and particle physics. That is really a breakthrough in the field has never been acheived.
    The two-slit experiment as the foundation of E-infinity of high energy physics
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 25, Issue 3, August 2005, Pages 509-514
    M.S. El Naschie
    3- El naschie is gifted in doing simple calculations and getting non-perturbative results. While ordinary people can get results by using supper computer in a one year, El naschie get the same results straight forward by counting on his fingers without using computer at all. These are due his GOLDEN FINGERS.
    On quarks confinement and asymptotic freedom
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 37, Issue 5, September 2008, Pages 1289-1291
    M.S. El Naschie
    Quarks confinement
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 37, Issue 1, July 2008, Pages 6-8
    M.S. El Naschie
    4- With a simple rope with knots El naschie could derive the spectrum of possible Elementary particles, and realy this is the discovery of the century.
    Any one can just bring a rope with knots and could easily testify El naschie’s conjecture.
    Fuzzy multi-instanton knots in the fabric of space–time and Dirac’s vacuum fluctuation
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 38, Issue 5, December 2008, Pages 1260-1268
    El naschie may be the greatest thinker in the history of mankind and his theory is the most important discovery since the invention of wheel. El naschie maybe the most remarkable event after cosmic big bang. His theory can describe every thing after big bang and I’m sure El naschie will extend his theory to accommodate what has been before big bang. Please don’t wonder it is an E-infinity theory that could deal with such a long history of time.

  33. My Physics professor wife used a “supper computer” when she wrote:
    “The Dinner-Time Machine”, (short story) Space & Time #83, 1994.
    CARMICHAEL, CHRISTINE (M.) PH.D. [Mrs. Jonathan V. Post]; also as Christine Post
    * The Dinner-Time Machine, (short story) Space & Time #83 1994
    * Major Weir’s Bookcase, (novelette) Amazing Sep 1988
    * My First Body, (short story) Space & Time #81 1993
    * Periodic Table of Aliments (with Jonathan V. Post), (humor) Analog Oct 1992
    * A Scorpion-Tailed Romance, (short story) Space & Time #82, 1993
    * Twilight in the Western Isles, (short story) Amazing Sep 1989

  34. Quite honestly I trust Prof. Mohamed El Naschie far more than I trust the judgement of Nature. I do not consider it outlandish to suggest a Nobel prize for El Naschie. Let me give you the rationale behind my conclusion. Surely you heard about the two genius Russian born scientists Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov. I was present at a talk involving the two lucky but deserving winners of the Nobel Prize of this year (2010). What they recounted speaks for the magazine Science and speaks against Nature. They said their paper was eventually published when they submitted it to Science. They added it was rejected twice by Nature. Something very unnatural is happening to Nature. Instead of publishing defamatory tabloid articles against El Naschie they should have at least published the paper of the two ingenious Nobel winners of this year. Nature also refused to publish the paper reporting the experimental discovery of the golden mean in quantum mechanics by the Helmholtz Center and Oxford University. It was again Science which published the article. A year or so later after the publication in Science, Nature overcame themselves to publish a short article about the article published in Science. When one of my colleagues who is aware of El Naschie’s papers and findings on the golden mean in quantum mechanics wrote a comment about El Naschie’s achievement and sent it to Nature, they refused even to acknowledge the bare facts. It is really becoming a personal war declared by Nature against El Naschie. The looser is the scientific community and science. In fact Nature is losing in a big way by publishing doubtful papers on climatology and ignoring fundamental and path breaking work because they will otherwise be forced to mention the name of El Naschie. It is unreal. Who thought Nature would behave in such a fashion? There seems to be something fundamentally wrong with the way Nature is being run at present. Of course Nature is the world’s most famous science magazine for everyone. The sooner they undertake self correction, the better it will be for everybody.

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