5 Replies to “Machine Gun?”

  1. I e-mailed him a comment about that when it came out and, in his reply (to something else), he ignored my comment. Isn’t silence to be taken as a tacit warning when dealing with people with guns?

  2. Hey Dave, a friend just pointed this out to me. I think my preprint http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9902010 had a better title, but actually none of mine even vauely compare in wittiness to some of the ones you’ve had here. The Usain Bolt analysis “Velocity dispersion amongst stars” is still a favourite…

  3. Probably not legal in the US then……Maybe if they ratchet it down and make it a semi automatic….
    Isn’t a laser a machine gun for photons, in terms of lots of “bullets”. Single photons on demand, a semi-auto is better actually.

  4. So, what is a “photonic cluster state” as opposed to just shooting out lots of photons at once, which is no big deal? (since the cool thing is to shoot ’em out one at a time.) Are they more in phase? Isn’t there a limit on how well you can make a photon to be in phase with another one? (Not as easy as “splitting” the same photon, then interference is easy!) If more than one can be in good phase, then we can more easily play with genuine interference between two or more photons, not just entanglement games – ?

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