Random Paper

A new paper, “On the Generation of Random Numbers.” Postscript available here. What do you think should I submit it to the arXiv?

9 Replies to “Random Paper”

  1. I’d reject the paper version, but I could accept the postscript if the first digit would be more random than almost always 2.

  2. Oh that’s too funny. Hey, over at nextquant there are a couple of recent posts on the Quantum Random Number Generator and Quantum Random Bit Generator services provided by the Ruder BoÅ¡kovic Institute. Also, Aaron, Adobe Reader will usually convert postscript to PDF automatically. The Preview app for Macs does the same thing (oh, how much simpler life is with a Mac…).

  3. Dave: for PDF javascript + forms *might* be able to do it. Something refreshing about an ostensible document format being Turing-complete.

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