Da Optimizer makes it into Nature () with comments on D-wave. See, Nature publishes CS researchers! 🙂 Scott expresses the concern most researchers in quantum computing have with the hype:
“If it fizzles out,” he says, “people might say that quantum computing as a whole is just bunk.”
[For a picture of real D-wave scattering, see here.]
Shouldn’t that be “Da Optimized”?
Just had to comment Dave, I’ve been watching “Threshold” (how did I miss this?), and a) the bad guys are using a Quantum Encryption System so it could take a whole 10 hours to crack, and b) the techie gadget guy went to Caltech.
I like this one: http://www.dvhardware.net/article17135.html because under “related products” you find Xbox and Playstation 2.