
Ian Durham has moved his blog to Quantum Moxie. The reason:

Well, for those of you (all two of you) who read The New American Whig, my former blog, I have decided to reduce the politics and ramp up the quantum mechanics and physics in general (which is my everyday passion). Politics just gets depressing after awhile whereas physics is almost always exciting! Though my students would perhaps disagree…

Indeed, I myself have cut out politics from what I blog about for similar reasons. Also because it makes me rant even worse than I normally rant. Maybe what we need to do is to combine quantum physics with politics. I mean politicians take “positions” what’s to keep them from taking “superpositions?”

5 Replies to “Moxie”

  1. I mean politicians take “positions” what’s to keep them from taking “superpositions?”
    Don’t they mostly do that already? Your typical politician seems to be in favor of three or four contradictory things at the same time. Between votes, at least– CSPAN counts as an observer for measurement purposes…

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