'Dat 'Plains It

When I’m feeling particularly stupid, I always, like any good citizen, look around to see what or who I can blame for my stupidity. Lately the leading candidate of my excusing has been my age. I mean, according to Nintendo’s Brain Age game, the optimal age is 20. And we are all trained as graduate students that your best work can only be done in your twenties (I’ve long suspected that this is just a way for advisors to get more work out of their graduate students. Certainly the elders who promulgate that meme are pretty damn smart.) So today I was happy to find another good candidate for my excusing. Seattle is America’s Smartest Large City (Large city has a population over 200,000 adults.) Well, of course rankings like this are really silly (this sentence inserted to avoid ranting comments about how silly they are. Of course they are silly. As are most things in life.) But, eat that San Francisco!

2 Replies to “'Dat 'Plains It”

  1. “Here is the biggest surprise in the top 10. Albuquerque…” Boo-yeah!
    …but I may have just knocked us out of the top 10 by saying “boo-yeah”.

  2. Maybe there is a connection between Seattle being the brightest city and Nintendo (A Seattle based company) releasing Brain Age : ) I think I see a marketing angle.

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