Stangest Quantum Computing Book?

Today I was in the University of Washington bookstore and notice an oversized book in the physics section. The top of the book read “Quantum Computing,” so I pulled it out. The subtitle, however, was a bit of a surprise: “The Vedic Fabric of the Digital Universe.” Um. Who is this book for? “This book is for anyone who needs to understand the one-to-one correspondence between quantum computing and the ancient Vedic Literature.” Which makes me wonder if there is a many-to-one correspondence between quantum computing and other religious/philosophical texts? What do I think of the book? Well, this book has some of the most amazing diagrams I have ever seen, or think I will ever see, in a quantum computing book. For a taste you might visit That’s what I think of this book.

11 Replies to “Stangest Quantum Computing Book?”

  1. Thankfully, such mystics leave the entire field of chemistry unscathed. What is it about physics that attracts such Masters of the Universe?

  2. This guy should win some sort of pseudoscience prize. Seriously — merging “Quantum searching, database, and counting; factoring, cryptography, and error correction” with Maharishi Vedic Science is a nontrivial achievement; I wouldn’t have thought it possible.

  3. Re: careers in quantum Vedic-ness —
    Well, his career as a best-selling author is in doubt. The book is #2,342,969 on Amazon, fourteen months after publication. Even at $108 bucks a pop, Routt would be eating instant ramen if he were trying to make a living off its sales.
    It seems, based on some SEC docs, that he is chief “scientist” at NS8 Corp., which makes DRM (digital rights management) and streaming software. Depending on your point of view, that may be its own form of voodoo, but by most standards counts as a legitimate day job.
    Maybe his PhD from Maharishi U. is *in* CS? Off the top of my head, I can’t name any of their faculty :-).

  4. It is good to know that the career possibilities for those of us who know something about quantum computing are broader than we may have thought.

  5. well, I havn’t gone through the book, but having known and studies certain aspects of the Indian Vedic system and being an Indian in the quantum computing field I will confess that there is more to the world then we behold in the field of Vedic Science.
    Not to belive the principle of relativity was discovered much before Einstein did it in one of the Vedic texts and also the whole branches of physics, chemistry, maths and cosmology were developed in those times.
    There is a Vedic treatise called Vedant Sutra whic h gives the theory of everything about Nature by critically analysing the 24 elements of Nature and there are 6 schools of Vedic Philosophic thought quite unknown to the western mind.

  6. If you like this stuff, check out Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra. His central thesis seems to be: We don’t understand consciousness; I don’t understand quantum mechanics, so consciousness must be explained by quantum mechanics.
    A truly great thinker, that Deepak dude.

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