This is a test of the render LaTeX plugin.
My first physics TA was an astrophysicist named David Hogg. He told me the following story. He said a friend of his was walking down the street, and, well this friend was really geeky looking so when a truck full of macho guys passed by they yelled out “Hey Geek! [tex]$E=mc^2$[/tex]”. The friend thought for a second, and then shouted back: “Only in the rest frame!”
Because of course everyone knows [tex]$E=gamma mc^2$[/tex]. But of course, having to explain [tex]$gamma$[/tex] is a lot harder than explaining [tex]$E$[/tex], [tex]$m$[/tex] and [tex]$c$[/tex].

3 Replies to “LaTeX”

  1. The curvy Y is the a lower case gamma. It stands for (1-(v/c)^2)^(-1/2) where v is velocity and c is the speed of light. A particle at rest has energy mc^2 (cus v=0 gives gamma=1) whereas if we are in a frame which is moving with respect to the particle, then that energy increase because gamma is always greater than one.

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