Hoisted From the Comments: Quantum Marriage

Charlie Bennett comments about an novel use of quantum entanglement:

Tracy Staedter describes a quantum wedding apparatus built by conceptual artist Jonathon Keats, which briefly entangles two people by illuminating them with entangled photons. Staedter quotes Keats as saying the resulting quantum marriage would literally be broken up by skepticism about it.

Speaking of which, who was it who introduced the idea of monogamy of entanglement?
(Anyone want to go into business selling a device which shoots entangled photons at you and a nearby person? “The Quantum Entangler” could be used to entangle you with that nearby hottie who you really want to get to know 🙂 )

3 Replies to “Hoisted From the Comments: Quantum Marriage”

  1. Here was my comment when sent the link today:
    A very romantic concept with all the problems of entanglement.
    It seems much like when we name a star for a gift when really we cannot do that- it all symbolic.
    I have poems, somewhere and some lost, that takes up this idea of once entangled lovers like particles stay connected even if the light between them goes out of sight.
    Some of these quantum ideas and logic does seem to apply to our human connections- and are instructive for it is possible that somewhere the disconnection between us can be absolute.
    Perhaps on some deeper subjective level on a scale one to one our light of love does entangle, the sensitivity to each others DNA and the depths that implies-
    And again the question as to if in the cloning or replication thru time something must be lost that something else is born- that is who are we as we pass those stages imperfectly combined again- the deeper logic that dares to ask if all electrons or universes are one.
    To love again one must not have killed love so in some sense keeps that link to another, or to our virtual and fantasy dreams in which it may just be a reality in some alternate landscape. To love her again I must still love her now beyond the baggage and the wounds and question if the second time around we remain special and unique.
    But are we able to live up to another as our whole universe without losing ourselves- do we blend in our superpositions short of the fact of bringing new life into the world? In what sense when the logic of it is still intuitive and mystical in parts can we ask if our love is dead and alive?
    This enquiry into how the world works, if we keep an open mind, will take us a little while longer.
    🙂 Leonard ThePeSla

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