Postdocs Obey a Perimeter Law?

Postdocs, postdocs, everywhere and not a faculty job to seek (just kidding….or am I 😉 )

Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions in any area of quantum information. The starting date of the appointment is open.
A Ph.D. and proven ability, or the potential, for excellent research is required. Successful candidates will be joining a substantial research and training centre in quantum information at Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC). Information about IQC personnel and activities can be found at The IQC is based at the University of Waterloo, and includes, at present, more than a dozen researchers from the Faculties of Engineering, Mathematics and Science. The candidates will also have the opportunity to interact with scientists at the nearby Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and UW’s Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research.
If interested please go to our application form on-line.
The deadline for receiving applications is 15 November 2006.
Applications may be processed as they are received. Late applications will be accepted as long as positions are still available.

and, hoisted from the comments,

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is seeking postdoctoral applicants in the areas of:
o Quantum Information Theory
o Quantum Gravity
o String Theory
o Cosmology
o Foundations of Quantum Theory
o Condensed Matter Physics
o Elementary Particle Physics
Perimeter Institute is located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and offers a dynamic, multi-disciplinary research environment with much freedom. Successful candidates will benefit from mentorship by Faculty, ability to invite visitors, opportunity to organize innovative conferences and workshops, access to substantive travel funds, supervision of students, optional participation in scientific committees, assistance from PI’s administrative team, as well as enjoying the productive research atmosphere and amenities of the award winning facility.
The postdoctoral positions are normally for a period of three years. Outstanding candidates may also be considered for a senior postdoctoral position with a five-year term. Exceptional applicants are encouraged to apply by November 15th, 2006. Full details and application forms are available at
The Institute is presently staffed with 61 resident researchers including 10 Faculty and 8 Associate Members. Currently, there is a complement of 28 Postdoctoral Researchers and a very active Visitor Program including 15 Long Term Visitors with expectations of hosting some 300 scientists throughout this academic year. A list of Visitors and other researchers is available at

Help feed the blackberry hole!

3 Replies to “Postdocs Obey a Perimeter Law?”

  1. Actually, there are plenty of faculty positions available in the “Blackberry Hole” as well. IQC has a few job adverts at:
    and PI’s advert for faculty is here:
    PI takes faculty applications on a continuous basis, but that doesn’t mean they continuously monitor the applications database, or that there is a uniform probability of getting a job throughout the year. It’s best to talk to someone at PI before applying. It also helps if you’re really smart.

  2. These posts vividly reflect the “Iron Law of Math and Science Job Creation:”
    (1) Each math and science job relies on five engineering jobs.
    (2) Each engineering job relies on ten manufacturing jobs.
    Which explains why 15% of the NSF budget goes to engineering … it all makes sense … wait … doh!

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