FOCS 2005 Papers

The list of 2005 FOCS (46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science ) accepted papers has been posted here. I see four quantum papers (out of 62, one to be announce). They are

“The Symmetric Group Defies Strong Fourier Sampling,” Cristopher Moore, Alexander Russell, and Leonard J. Schulman
“Cryptography in the Bounded Quantum-Storage Model,” Ivan Damgaard, Serge Fehr, Louis Salvail and Christian Schaffner
“Quantum Information and the PCP Theorem,” Ran Raz
“From optimal measurement to efficient quantum algorithms for the hidden subgroup problem over semidirect product groups,” Dave Bacon,Andrew M. Childs and Wim van Dam

I guess I can now officially call myself a “theoretical computer scientist.” Does this mean if someone says to me “Hermitian matrix” I cannot immediately follow with the words “diagonalize it”?

Thermodynamics is Tricky Business

Thermodynamics is one the most important tools we have for understanding the behavior of large physical systems. However, it is very important to realize when thermodynamics is applicable and when it is not applicable. For example, try to apply thermodynamics to the Intel processor inside the laptop I am writing this entry on. Certainly the silicon crystal is in thermal equilbrium, but then how am I able to make this system compute: if states are occupied with probabilities proportional to a Boltzman factor, then how can my computer operate with all sorts of internal states corresponding to, say, it’s memory? Let’s say that all of these internal states, states of my computing machine, are all energetically about the same energy (which is, to a decent approximation, true.) Then, according to thermodynamics, each of these states should be occupied with the same probability. But the last time I checked, the sentence I am typing is not white noise (some of you may object, 😉 )
Today, Robert Alicki, Daniel Lidar, and Paolo Zanardi have posted a paper in which they question the threshold theorem for fault-tolerant quantum computation and claim that the normal assumptions for this theorem cannot be fullfilled by physical systems. I have a lot of objections to the objections in this paper, but let me focus on one line of dispute.
The main argument put forth in this paper is that if we want to have a quantum computer with Markovian noise as is assumed in many (but not all) of the threshold calculations, then this leads to the following contradictions. If the system has fast gates, as required by the theorem, then the bath must be hot and this contradicts the condition that we need cold ancillas. If, on the other hand, the bath is cold, then the gates can be shown to be necessarily slow in order to get a valid Markovian approximation. Both of these conditions come from standard derivations of Markovian dynamics. The authors make the bold claim:

These conclusions are unavoidable if one accepts thermodyanmics…We take here the reasonable position that fault tolerant [quantum computing] cannot be in violation of thermodynamics.

Pretty strong words, no?
Well, reading the first paragraph of this post, you must surely know what my objection to this argument is going to be. Thermodyanmics is a very touchy subject and cannot and should not be applied adhoc to physical systems.
So lets imagine running the above argument through a quantum computer operating fault-tolerantly. Let’s say we do have a hot environment. We also have our quantum system, which we want to make behave like a quantum computer. Also we have cold ancilla qubits. Now what do we do when we are performing quantum error correction? We bring the cold ancillas into contact with the quantum computer interact the two and throw away the cold ancillas. Now we can ask the question, is the combined state of the cold anicllas and the hot environment in thermal equilbrium? Well, yes, both are in thermal equibrium before we start this process, but they will be in thermal equilbrium with two different temperatures. OK, so now we have an interaction between the system and the cold ancillas. So let’s do this. Now these two systems, the quantum computer and the ancillas clearly couple to the hot bath. Therefore we can assume that the Markovian assumption holds and further that the gate speed for the combined system-ancilla system is fast. No problem there, right. OK, now we throw away the cold ancillas. So we’ve done a cycle of the quantum error correction without violating the conditions set forth by the authors. How did we do this?
We did this by being careful about what we called the “system.” (Or, more directly we have to be careful what we call the “bath.” But really these are symmetric, no?) We started out the cycle with the system being the quantum computer. Then we brought in the cold ancillas. Our system now includes both the quantum computer and the ancillas. Since we are now enacting operations on this combined system, our enviornment is the original bath, which is hot (which may now couple to the ancillas.) We can perform fast gates on this combined system and then we may discard the ancillas.
In order for the authors argument to work, they have to assume that the “system” is always just the quantum computer. But then clearly the assumption of the environment being in thermal equilibrium is violated at the beginning of the error correcting cycle: the ancillas are cold but the bath is hot. Both are independently in thermal equibrium, but the combined system is not in thermal equilbrium at the same temperature. The interactions with the hot bath do imply that we can perform fast gates. The interactions with the cold ancilla do imply that we will have slow gates. But when we bring the cold ancillas and quantum computer together, we can also have fast gates: because our system now consists of the computer plus the ancillas and the remaining environment it hot. The ancillas are not part of the thermal bath which is causes problems for our quantum computer. Certainly the authors are not objecting to the fact that we can prepare cold ancilla states? So I see no contradiction in this paper with the threshold theorem. (A further note is that there is also a threshold for fault-tolerance when the noise is non-Markovian. I’m still trying to parse what the authors have to say about these theorems. I’m not sure I understand their arguments yet.)
Thermodynamics is, basically, a method for reasoning about large collections of physical systems when certain assumptions are made about this system. Often we cannot make these assumptions. (A classical case of this, which is not relevant to our discussion, but which is interesting is the case of the thermodynamics of a system of many point particles interacting via gravity: here thermodynamics can fail spectacularly, and indeed, things like the internal energy of the system are no long extensive quantities!) In the above argument, we cannot talk about two systems being at the same temperature: we have two separate systems with different tempatures. Certainly if we bring them together and they interact, under certain conditions, the two will equilibriate. But this is explicitly what doesn’t happen in the fault-tolerant constructions. This is, indeed, exactly what we mean by cold ancillas!
Understanding the limits of the threshold for fault-tolerant quantum computation is one of the most interesting areas of quantum information science. I’ve bashed my head up against the theorem many times trying to find a hole in it. I think that this process, of attempting to poke holes in the theorem, is extremely valuable. Because even if the theorem still holds, what we learn by bashing our heads against it is well worth the effort.
Updated Update: Daniel Lidar, Robert Alicki and other have posted responses and comments below. I highly recommend that you read them if you found this entry interesting!

Depressing Fridays

From a Science article:

Already braced for a tight 2006 budget, the National Science Foundation (NSF) got some disappointing news yesterday from a Senate spending panel that voted less money for the agency than even the president’s stingy request.

The spending panel delivered its most decisive blow to Brookhaven National Lab’s Rare Symmetry Violating Processes (RSVP), a high-energy physics experiment to look for effects beyond the Standard Model. Calling increased cost estimates to keep the project going “unacceptable,” the Senate panel withheld not only the $42 million requested to start building RSVP in 2006 but also some $14 million already given to RSVP planners but not yet spent. To add insult to injury, the appropriators told NSF that any revised version of the project would have to go back to square one in an approval process that typically takes several years.

The NSF budget is around 5.5 billion dollars. Spending on the Iraq war now tops $170 billion dollars which works out to funding NSF for 30 years. Maybe scientists need to change their tactics. Maybe we should propose that in 30 years worth of research we will be able to invent a device which kills evil people and democratizes nations. I’m just saying.

More on Anyons in Honey

R.R. Tucci comments

Hey! Only 2 sentences devoted to a 100 page paper. Proust you are not. What I would like to hear from the audience are opinions on how far and in what sense does this paper advance the programme of topological quantum computing. And how close are Kitaev and Freedman to finding a physical realization of their ideas

So I will spend more than 2 sentences.
The model Kitaev considers is a model with two qubit interactions on a two dimensional honeycomb lattice. These two qubit interactions are all Ising interactions along different directions. Interestingly, Duan, Demler, and Lukin have shown how to implement these interactions in this geometry using an optical lattice. So, in some sense, this represents a very nice model with Abelian anyons which could be realized in a laboratory. What is even nicer is that Kitaev can actually exactly solve the Hamiltonian associated with this model. Unfortunately for quantum computing enthusiests, this model does not support universal quantum computation. So, to answer the question, I would say that this model is exciting because it might be physically realizable, but the fact that it is not universal means that we will need something a little or a lot more in order to move towards topological quantum computing.

Anyons in Honey

Alexei Kitaev has put a massive paper on the arXiv, cond-mat/0506438 describing a very interesting model with interacting spins on a honeycomb lattice. Looks like I’ve found my bus ride reading for the next month!

This This and This

When I read articles by creation scientists and there ilk I’m often filled with a feeling of “how the heck can you believe that, surely you’ve heard about this, this, and this.” Invariably they have none read of the “this”‘s. Yesterday I gave a talk at the Santa Fe Institute’s Complex Systems Summer School on quantum computation. And after the talk, I was having a discussion with someone about quantum computing. And they said they still thought quantum computers are not a valid model of computation. And I was thinking to myself, “But surely you’ve read this, this, this, this, this, and this? Just to name a few.” Never thought I’d be having these thoughts around another scientist.

Hyperbole Wednesdays

Two posts over at Quantum Algorithms, one on D-Wave Systems and another one on a supposed algorithm for solving NP-complete problems efficiently on a quantum computer.
When I was a graduate student at Berkeley, when a paper came out claiming that quantum computers could solve NP-complete problems, we would all race to see who could figure out where the problem in the paper was. I usually don’t like to write blog articles about papers like the one commented upon in Quantum Algorithms (for the preprint, see here), but I’m not about to get a blogger username to just comment on the site cus I’m lazy, so I thought I’d just stick my comments here. As far as I can tell the paper is incorrect. In particular if you examine Figure 3, the circuit described does not perform as described. If I understand correctly, the state after the oracle gate is [tex]${1 over 2^n} sum_{x,y=0}^{2^n-1}(-1)^{f(x)}|y>|x>$[/tex]. The author then applies a unitary gate between the y and x registers and then a measurement of the qubits. This is supposed to allow one to identify a place where [tex]$f(x)=1$[/tex], but as far as I can tell, one only gets an exponentially small information about such a location if there is only one marked item.
The other article on Quantum Algorithms points to an article in the MIT Technology Review about the Vancouver based D-Wave systems. Here the hyperbole is even more mysterious:

Vancouver startup D-Wave Systems, however, aims to build a quantum computer within three years. It won’t be a fully functional quantum computer of the sort long envisioned; but D-Wave is on track to produce a special-purpose, “noisy” piece of quantum hardware that could solve many of the physical-simulation problems that stump today’s computers, says David Meyer, a mathematician working on quantum algorithms at the University of California, San Diego.
The difference between D-Wave’s system and other quantum computer designs is the particular properties of quantum mechanics that they exploit. Other systems rely on a property called entanglement, which says that any two particles that have interacted in the past, even if now spatially separated, may still influence each other’s states. But that interdependence is easily disrupted by the particles’ interactions with their environment. In contrast, D-Wave’s design takes advantage of the far more robust property of quantum physics known as quantum tunneling, which allows particles to “magically” hop from one location to another.

It sounds to me, from the article, that the proposal is a quantum computer which implements a quantum adiabatic algorithm. The question of whether adiabatic quantum algorithms can be more efficient than classical algorithm is, from what I know, fairly controversial (see, for example, here.) I would have a hard time telling a venture capitalist to put money in something quite so controversial, but hey, what do I know, I’m just a lowsy academic nerd and a chicken. If they can sell solutions to hard problem instances and actually succeed, then what do I know! And they will be rich!
Update: Suresh says I’m lazy. And I am. So looking again at quant-ph/0506137, the main problem is already apparent in equation (5). There the author has miscontrued the tensor product. If we take the output of this circuit seriously, the initial state [tex]$|00rangle$[/tex] is transformed into [tex]$0$[/tex]. Not the state zero. The amplitude for the first qubit in this formula is zero.


Neal Stephenson has an op-ed article in the New York Times about Star Wars. Someday we can all be so lucky as to write an op-ed piece on a Science Fiction movie and get it published in the Times. A choice paragraph:

Scientists and technologists have the same uneasy status in our society as the Jedi in the Galactic Republic. They are scorned by the cultural left and the cultural right, and young people avoid science and math classes in hordes. The tedious particulars of keeping ourselves alive, comfortable and free are being taken offline to countries where people are happy to sweat the details, as long as we have some foreign exchange left to send their way. Nothing is more seductive than to think that we, like the Jedi, could be masters of the most advanced technologies while living simple lives: to have a geek standard of living and spend our copious leisure time vegging out.
If the “Star Wars” movies are remembered a century from now, it’ll be because they are such exact parables for this state of affairs. Young people in other countries will watch them in classrooms as an answer to the question: Whatever became of that big rich country that used to buy the stuff we make? The answer: It went the way of the old Republic.