SQuInTing at Pirates

This last weekend I attended two out of three days of the SQuInT conference in Albuquerque, NM. The conference, as usual, was stellar, and was rather large this year, with nearly 150 people! The only real draw back this year was that the hotel the conference was in had variously scheduled (1) a band, and (2) a group that liked to sing and cheer in the room adjacent to where the conference talks were held. When the crowd next door broke out into a hymn I almost lost it. Almost.
Anyway there were a lot of very interesting talks at the conference (schedule can be found here.) But I must say there was also the most unusual talk I have seen in a long time. And I must say it was also one of the best talks I have seen in ages. It was given by Jonathan Walgate from the University of Calgary. Here is the title and abstract:

Quantum Buried Treasure
Jonathan Walgate (University of Calgary)
Abstract. A swashbuckling tale of greed, deception, and quantum data hiding on the high seas. When we hide or encrypt information, it’s probably because that information is valuable. I present a novel approach to quantum data hiding based on this assumption. An entangled treasure map marks the spot where a hoard of doubloons is buried, but the sailors sharing this map want all the treasure for themselves! How should they study their map using local operations and classical communication? This simple scenario yields a surprisingly rich and counterintuitive game theoretic structure. A maximally entangled map performs no better than a separable one, leaving the treasure completely exposed. But non-maximally entangled maps can hide the information almost perfectly! Quantum data hiding was developed with two motivations. It is worth investigating purely as cryptographic scheme, allowing data to be concealed from cryptanalysts sharing a perfect copy. However it also provides an operational framework for studying entanglement and nonlocality, as it hinges on the difference between local and global physical information. `Quantum buried treasure’ schemes have four key advantages. Firstly, the local perspectives of those sharing the quantum system are clearly revealed, and this allows a more detailed comparison between the local and global information. (Previous schemes have treated local observers as a single collective eavesdropper, albeit operating under local constraints.) Secondly, interesting competitive situations emerge among the local parties. These suggest a useful role for game theory in quantum mechanics that emerges naturally from its nonlocal structure, unlike artificial attempts to unify the two. Thirdly, buried treasure provides a more realistic model both of encrypted information, which tends to be actually valuable, and of the motivations of those attempting the decryption. Last but not least, Alice and Bob get to be pirates!

Argy matey. Notice especially that last point. The talk was very amusing, as you can imagine. Hopefully there will be a paper coming out soon, as the idea is fascinating and, I must say, one of the first times I’ve seen a quantum game theory paper and haven’t wanted to jump out of my seat and shout something. Well this time I only realized afterwards that I wanted to jump out of my seat, but I didn’t have a chance to ask Jonathan my question so I guess I’ll have to wait for the paper.
Another talk I found very interesting was Andrew Landahl’s work on a quantum algorithm for ordered search problems (Update: I forgot to mention this was joint work Andrew did with Andrew Childs and Pablo Parrilo.) An old result of Farhi et. al. showed that one could search an ordered list using 3 times log base 52 of the size of the database. This algorithm should, of course, be called the card players algorithm ;). If we work in base 2, this works out to an algorithm which is approximately 0.53 log base 2 of the size of the database. The best lower bound (IIRC) was 0.22 log base 2 of the size of the database. Of course, quantum computer people like square root speedups, so a natural guess is that the real answer is log base 2 of the square root of the size of the database. But Andrew was able to show, by solving some neat little semidefinite programming problems, that 4 times log base 605 the size of the database queries suffice. This is about 0.43 times the log base 2 of the size of the database, hence destroying the naive quantum computing Grover guess! Well how excited should we be about these “constant” speedups? I’m not sure. On the one hand they are not as sexy as Shor’s algorithm (what is!) but on the other hand, they are kind of cute demonstrations that if you build a quantum computer comparable to a classical computer you should pay at least a constant amount more to use the quantum computer 😉
Another talk which I need to think more about was given by Masoud Mohensi (USC/University of Toronto). Masoud talked about work he did with Daniel Lidar on what they call “Direct Characterization” of open systems quantum dynamics. The idea here is to perform process tomography without having to actually perform quantum state tomography, and in the process obtain less use of resources. In particular Masoud showed how to use entangled states as inputs into a quantum superoperator and then characterize this superoperator using 4^n Bell measurements where n is the number of qubits. Papers on this subject can be found as quant-ph/0601033 and quant-ph/0601034.
Finally, of great interest to everyone, I’m sure, I learned that the state of New Mexico is building a spaceport. That’s right, the economically depressed state of New Mexico is going to make their stamp on the world by building a spaceport! I also heard a theory about this from one of the participants at the conference. This person suggested that he now understood the UFO landing at Rosewell. Apparently the aliens simply set their time machine incorrectly and ended up a few years early! (Their maps for the spaceport were correct, but they misdialed the “YEAR” dial, most certainly due to a translation problem caused by the Babelfish.)

All My Bags Are Packed

After class today (literally) I head off on quite a journey. Albuquerque to Boulder to Seattle to Santa Barbara to Seattle to Santa Barabara to Seattle. Those Seattle waypoints? Laundry and getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Unfortunately I’ll be missing the first day of the SQuInT conference, but maybe I will be able to blog something about the conference tomorrow.
Update: I will be flying into the Albuquerque sunport, and unfortunately, not the Albuquerque spaceport which hasn’t been built yet.

Math is Hard, Become a Journalist

A good way to get your blood pressure elevated is to read Richard Cohen’s opinion article in the Washington Post where he slams requirements for learning algebra in high school.
What I love about the article, though, is that he admits, right of the top, the following

I confess to be one of those people who hate math. I can do my basic arithmetic all right (although not percentages)…

Um, okay, so we just found out you can’t perform something so simple, fifth graders can do it, and we’re supposed to listen to what you are saying? Uhuh. Brilliant tactic there Mr. Cohen.
(And yes, the title is meant as a joke. Just because the Washington Post has one ignoramus does not imply that all journalists are braindead.)

Best Experiment Ever

(Note: the above title must, I repeat, must, be said in the voice of the comic book guy from the Simpsons.)
Over at Uncertain Principles there is a vote going on about the greatest physics experiment ever. You can vote for the eleven choosen here. Among the eleven are Alain Aspects Bell inequality test! You can probably guess who I voted for.

Condensed Matter & Atomic Seminar

Today’s talk, powerpoint posted once I touch up the presentation:

04:00 PM
Condensed Matter & Atomic (CMA) Physics Seminar
Dave Bacon, University of Washington, Computer Science & Engineering
Building Robust Qubits Using Many-Body Strongly Interacting Quantum Systems
C-421, PAT (Physics)
The late Rolf Landauer liked to say that “information is physical.” By this he meant not that the abstract concept of information has anything to do with the laws of physics, but instead that it is physics which determines whether a device can robustly store and manipulate information. Thus, for instance, the robust storage of bits on hard drives is possible only because of the statistical physics of magnetic domains. In this talk I will discuss how this point of view should change the way we envision constructing devices which robustly store and manipulate quantum information. In particular I will discuss many-body quantum systems whose physics serves to replace the micro architecture of quantum error correction normally envisioned as necessary for building robust qubits. Along the way I will explain the basic ideas of topological quantum computing using anyons along with new ideas for self-correcting qubits in a three-dimensional quantum compass model.

Update: Talk is now posted here.

Arxiv Links to Pontiff, Science at an End?

Alicki, Lidar, and Zanardi have put out version two of their paper critiqueing the assumptions of the threshold theorem for fault tolerant quantum computation. The new title of their paper is “Internal Consistency of Fault-Tolerant Quantum Error Correction in Light of Rigorous Derivations of the Quantum Markovian Limit” and is found at quant-ph/0506201. Discussions about the paper, can be found at the previous posts here and here. I’m a little streched write now to give it a good reading, but I do hope to do so in the next few days (after I finish the four talks I need to write, grade homeworks, and write the homework solution set.)
But I do think it is awesome that in the comment section on the abstract on arxiv.org, the following comment appears:

Comments: 19 pages. v2: Significantly expanded version. New title. Includes a debate section in response to comments on the previous version, many of which appeared here this http URL and here this http URL Contains a new derivation of the Markovian master equation with periodic driving

Which is now my favorite comment on an arxiv paper 🙂
Of course, it just isn’t fair competition for the greatest comment ever when you are battling up against the comment producing machines known as Chris Fuchs and Steven van Enk:

quant-ph/0205039 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: Quantum Mechanics as Quantum Information (and only a little more)
Authors: Christopher A. Fuchs (Bell Labs)
Comments: 59 pages, 5 figures, 140 equations, one simple idea


quant-ph/0204146 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: The Anti-Vaxjo Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Authors: Christopher A. Fuchs
Comments: 18 pages, not one equation. Requires sprocl.sty


quant-ph/0507189 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: |0>|1>+|1>|0>
Authors: S.J. van Enk
Comments: A more serious version, almost 2.36 pages, but still an unnormalized title
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. A 72, 064306 (2005)


quant-ph/0410083 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: Quantifying the resource of sharing a reference frame
Authors: S.J. van Enk
Comments: Updated title as PRA did not accept the word “refbit” in the title: PRA accepts neither neologisms (=”a meaningless word coined by a psychotic”, according to Webster), nor novophasms
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. A 71, 032339 (2005)


quant-ph/0207142 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: Phase measurements with weak reference pulses
Authors: S.J. van Enk
Comments: 5 pages, 5 figures. I apologize for this boring paper
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. A 66, 042308 (2002)

CSE 599d Lecture Notes 16,17,18, and 19

The latest additions will probably have lots of errors (well even more than my normal notes!) as I haven’t taught from these notes yet and I always find errors when I teach. (Plus they are on error correction!) But this completes this set of notes for this quarter. I’ll probably give these notes a good reading over sometime in the next month to correct all of the silly (and substantial) errors in the notes. I think I covered just about what I thought I would cover. We won’t get to quantum cryptography, but really to do this I’d need to spend some lectures on purification protocols and discuss some basic information theory to get at the Preskill-Shor proof of security. Unfortunately if I’m going to do this I probably would have to do it over a two quarter quantum computing course (for such a course I would add results on quantum communication complexity, and a lot of the basics of quantum information theory…certainly there is not a lack of subject to spend two quarters on!)
Actually the next class I really want to teach is a class on the representation theory of finite and Lie groups and quantum information science. Maybe next year (next quarter I teach “Introduction to Digital Design” No, not quantum digital design ;))
Lecture Notes
Lecture Notes 1: Introduction and Basics of Quantum Theory
Lecture Notes 2: Dirac Notation and Basic Linear Algebra for Quantum Computing
Lecture Notes 3: One Qubit, Two Qubit
Lecture Notes 4: The No-Cloning Theorem, Classical Teleportation and Quantum Teleportation, Superdense Coding
Lecture Notes 5: The Quantum Circuit Model and Universal Quantum Computation
Lecture Notes 6: Reversible Classical Circuits and the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm
Lecture Notes 7: The Recursive and Nonrecursive Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm
Lecture Notes 8: Simon’s Algorithm
Lecture Notes 9: The Quantum Fourier Transform and Jordan’s Algorithm
Lecture Notes 10: Quantum Phase Estimation and Arbitrary Size Quantum Fourier Transforms
Lecture Notes 11: Shor’s Algorithm
Lecture Notes 12: Grover’s Algorithm
Lecture Notes 13: Mixed States and Open Quantum Systems
Lecture Notes 14: Quantum Entanglement and Bell’s Theorem
Lecture Notes 15: When Quantum Computers Fall Apart
Lecture Notes 16: Introduction to Quantum Error Correction
Lecture Notes 17: The Quantum Error Correcting Criteria
Lecture Notes 18: Stabilizer Quantum Error Correcting Codes
Lecture Notes 19: Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation and the Threshold Theorem
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3


Most people in quantum information science try to be sensitive to not overhyping the field. (Okay, so I get a little breathless sometimes!) This, however, is pretty amusing. I especially like

But could you imagine not using a Quantum Computer to come up with the most efficient sequence of nanobots to administer the cure to cancer.

Update: Jon brings up in the comments the word “quantum leap.” I have always found it amusing that in the Oxford English dictionary uses this example from 1977, as one of the early uses:

New Yorker 13 June 108/2 The imperial Presidency did not begin with Richard Nixon although under him abuses of the office took a quantum leap.

Of course once you find this out, you are at the OED website and you can’t help finding words like “quaquadrate” which means a sixteenth power.

CSE 599d Lecture Notes 13,14 and 15

Hindsight I taught things a bit out of order. What I should have done was do entanglement after Grover’s algorithm. Then it would have been nice to have a lecture on quantum communication complexity, but seeing as how things are rapidly heading towards the end (four more lectures to go) and I want to get to the threshold for fault-tolerant quantum computing I decided not to keep this. So the next lectures will introduce quantum error correction, deduce the quantum error correcting criteria, discuss classical linear and then CSS codes, discuss stabilizer codes, and then more on to fault-tolerant constructions. We might just make it.
Lecture Notes
Lecture Notes 1: Introduction and Basics of Quantum Theory
Lecture Notes 2: Dirac Notation and Basic Linear Algebra for Quantum Computing
Lecture Notes 3: One Qubit, Two Qubit
Lecture Notes 4: The No-Cloning Theorem, Classical Teleportation and Quantum Teleportation, Superdense Coding
Lecture Notes 5: The Quantum Circuit Model and Universal Quantum Computation
Lecture Notes 6: Reversible Classical Circuits and the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm
Lecture Notes 7: The Recursive and Nonrecursive Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm
Lecture Notes 8: Simon’s Algorithm
Lecture Notes 9: The Quantum Fourier Transform and Jordan’s Algorithm
Lecture Notes 10: Quantum Phase Estimation and Arbitrary Size Quantum Fourier Transforms
Lecture Notes 11: Shor’s Algorithm
Lecture Notes 12: Grover’s Algorithm
Lecture Notes 13: Mixed States and Open Quantum Systems
Lecture Notes 14: Quantum Entanglement and Bell’s Theorem
Lecture Notes 15: When Quantum Computers Fall Apart
Homework 1
Homework 2