Nobel Prize Falls Partially Into Blackberry Hole

Nobel prize winner in physics, Sir Anthony Leggett joins the faculty at the University of Waterloo where he’ll spend at least two months a year working at Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing. Will Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Robert Laughlin be next 🙂 ?

No More iSilence

Apple releases the iPhone, causing millions of white earphone zombies campuswide to break their vows of silence. I guess you’d have to walk around a college campus to find this fragment even remotely funny 🙂

Comet McNaught

Via Dynamics of Cats, I just found out about Comet McNaught:
Comet McNaught
the brightest comet in decades! Now if only we get a clear day here in Seattle (yeah I’m wishing…today’s forcast is for snow!)
Update: Hmmm seems that I’m getting quite a few viewers due to this post. More information about this comet can be found here and here.

2007: Year of the Beaver!

Today is a big day in sports news. No I’m not talking about the BCS championship. No, no, something much more important happened over the weekend.
Caltech Basketball team ended its losing streak! After 207 consecutive NCAA Division III loses, Caltech beat Bard College of New York 81-52! Okay, with that monkey off their back now all they need to do is beat one of their division foes…that’s a streak of over 22 years and 245 loses. Beaver Fever!


I’ve been tagged by Gordon Watts:

So the game is, take the closest book to you right now, go to the fifth sentence on page 123, write the following three sentences in the blog, and tag three people.

I’m home at my mom’s house in Yreka, and the closest book is “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl. On page 123, I find, a fifth sentence of

Sometimes the situation in which man finds himself may require him to shape his own fate by action.

Pretty optimistic, no? But what does it mean for you to take action and shape your own fate? Yep, I must get my philosophical genes from my mom 🙂 So I need to tag three people:

Life Without Translation