A new website of great interest to those of us punished under the crush of information in science, Academic Reader. Created by (I hope I have this right) Michael Nielsen, Peter Rhode, and Alexei Gilchrist the website is a way to manage your academic reading:
The Academic Reader is a new web site that makes it easier to keep track of your scientific reading. Rather than going to multiple websites every day to keep up, we pull all the sources together in a single location, so you can keep track easily. Sources include the preprint arXiv, the Physical Review, and Nature, and many new sources will be added in the months to come, including sources outside physics.
Good stuff, check it out!
And yes, Scirate.com is still down. The open archive protocol they are using is back up but has been changed in ways that may take a bit to fix is still down. Hopefully I can get the site running again before I drop off the edge of the internet and get married.