Twirling, Twirling, Twirling Towards Freedom

From blackboxvoting comes this funny:

P.S. Not that this has anything to do with what we’re discussing (or maybe it does), but there were two separate “I voted” stickers that voters were given after they voted. If you voted electronic, you were given a big gorgeous flag-waving colorful sticker that said something akin to “I Voted Electronically!” If you voted paper, you were given a crappy little sticker that looked like it was made by a low bidder from China with faulty equipment that said “I voted”. I’ll be forever haunted by the interaction I witnessed between one lady and a poll worker. The lady said “I want to vote on a paper ballot. I’ve read that I should use a paper ballot.” The poll worker reached for a paper ballot and started to hand it to the lady, but that’s when the lady saw the two bowls of stickers. She said “Oh, you mean I can’t have one of those stickers unless I vote with the machine?” The poll worker said “Yes, that’s right. Those stickers are for the people who vote with the machines.” The lady looked wistfully downwards, pondering, and then grinned giddily and said “I want to vote electronically!”

An Amazing Histogram

For all political junkies this study of the 2004 presidential election by Michael Gastner, Cosma Shalizi, and Mark Newman is extremely interesting.
Update: It seems that the authors have gotten rid of the final histogram which claimed that 302 counties voted nearly fully for Kerry (IIRC >90% of the vote for Kerry.) This was the most interesting part of the article, unfortunately. Still an interesting article, but not nearly as shocking.

Welcome to Theocracy

Let’s give a warm welcome to the world’s latest theocracy, the United Christian States of America! All hail our new Commander and Pope, George Bush. Shall we kiss his ring?
On November Second, we learned that over fifty percent of America is totally and completely irrational. Don’t believe me? Go ask that epitome of rationality, a scientist. I know only two scientists who voted for George Bush, out of a sample of a few hundred. This election wasn’t a referendum on George Bush’s first term, as many a pundit would claim, because there is no rational way to argue that his term has been anything but a disaster. Don’t believe me? Ask a scientist. So the reason over fifty percent of America voted for the George Bush must be something a scientist cannot comprehend, and indeed it was: that bastion of irrationaly, religion. Ever tried to argue about the theory of evolution with a member of the religious right? Feel strangely familiar to arguing with a Bush supporter? Indeed.
Hearing the election results on November 2nd, the first thought which crossed my mind was that I wished that those who have not educated themselves enough to be able to put a rational thought together were banned from enjoying the benefits of the brilliant scientists who have advanced society. But that thought is too harsh. Instead, we must think about how to turn that irrational fifty percent into rational coherent human beings. It’s surely one of the reasons I want to end up as a teaching professor. And you, my dear audience, you a bastion of rationality, you should not shrink in expressing your disdain for the irrational. Let us drive out the idiot out of America, not by physically revolting, but by teaching America how to think coherently.

The Hollow Men

Roger Water’s Perfect Sense Part I:

The monkey sat on a pile of stones
And stared at the broken bone in his hand
And the stains of a Viennese quartet
Rang out across the land
The monkey looked up at the stars
And thought to himself
Memory is a stranger
History is for fools
And he cleaned his hands
In a pool of holy writing
Turned his back on the garden
And set out for the nearest town
Hold on hold on soldier
When you add it all up
The tears and the marrowbone
There’s an ounce of gold
And an ounce of pride in each ledger
And the Germans killed the Jews
And the Jews killed the Arabs
And the Arabs killed the hostages
And that is the news
And is it any wonder
That the monkey’s confused
He said Mama Mama
The President’s a fool
Why do I have to keep reading
These technical manuals
And the joint chiefs of staff
And the brokers on Wall Street said
Don’t make us laugh
You’re a smart kid
Time is linear
Memory is a stranger
History is for fools
Man is a tool in the hands
Of the great God Almighty
And they gave him command
Of a nuclear submarine
And sent him back in search of
The Garden of Eden


In from the brisk 26 degree cold, when was the last time I’ve been in a Parish building? 200 feet away, through the window, the MoveOn heard stands freezing their rears in the hopes of changing one last mind? Precinct 26 or 27? Look at my card, whooop, I’m 26, so there’s no line. No line to stand in, instead there is the infamous line of the aged volunteers ready to check me in. Yep, I’m in the book, says middle aged woman number one bedecked in her red, white, and blue sweat shirt. The grandma one over has me put my John Hancock on a line. But mine isn’t nearly as loud and shouting and revolutionary. Then its to the booth where a mighty poster board of choices await my decision. Green lights flicker as I consult my list of choices. Kerry for president. 1 Republican for my dad. 2 Greens for revolution. And then the lonely button to cast my vote is pressed. The lights go out and bits go somewhere hopefully safe from tamper. And back out into the 26 degree morning. 26. Huh. Hopefully a lucky number.

Quantum Catholic

Let it be known, to the legions of Catholic readers of this blog, that the Quantum Pontiff endorses John Kerry over George Bush in the United States presidential election. That’s right, you heard it here first, the (*ahem* Quantum) Pope endorses John Kerry!

Was It Just Me?

Have I been asleep while the following argument has sprung up among Republicans: the war on Iraq is right because the death and destruction is occuring in Iraq and not in America. Bush used this argument at least two times and after the debate I saw Giuliani make exactly the same argument.
I must have been asleep.
On another note, I was able to mimic Bush almost word for word on a few questions before he answered the questions. It’s like he’s become a song. Or maybe just a broken record.

Talking About My Generation

Among voters 18-29, Kerry leads Bush by a margin of 53% to 33% (Zogby, July 30th.) Thus if Bush wins I can claim either (a) it’s not my generation’s fault because a landslide of us voted for Kerry or I can claim that (b) it’s my generation’s fault because we supported Kerry by a landslide but if only my generation had higher turnout then Kerry would have won.

Bow Down Before Giblets

I will tell you once and only once that Fafblog is the best blog currently running. In fact it is so good that I think it may be written by someone with the last name of Wiggin.