
Higgs rumor spreads to Me, I want to start a rumor that a Manhattan project for quantum computing has already built a large scale quantum computer (now wouldn’t that make a certain company which has built a small special purpose analog classical computer mad.)

Karma's Gonna Getcha

A while back, I wrote a post, Laugh Therapy where I described a paper, quant-ph/0610117 by M. I. Dyakonov entitled “Is Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Really Possible?” The tone of my post was flipant and commentors (both online and offline) rightly pointed out that the proper way to resond to such a post is not with my bad jokestering, but by pointing out the technical flaws in the argument. i.e. to respond like a professional and not like a clown (which, of course, is my first reaction to nearly everything in the world.) At the time I didn’t think much about it, except that I agreed with the commentors. But I also thought, but yeah, when will this ever really be important? I mean no offense but large chunks of what I see on the arxiv everyday is, well, kind of junky (and I don’t exclude myself from this category.) So what harm is there in one more paper which I strongly disagreed with on the arxiv?
Karma, however, must have heard these musing in my head, since today I received a rejection for a grant proposal and what did I find in one of the reviews? Yep, you guessed it, a reference to quant-ph/0610117. Doh.

Quantum Ode to U.S. Physics Deparments :)

Looking over the AMO/Condensed Matter job rumor mill this moring I was hoping to see that the luck of theoretical quantum computing folk in U.S. physics departments has improved, but alas! Anyone willing to rumor monger and lighten my mood by revealing a change in attitude? And, since it was just Memorial Day here in the US:

Where have all the quantum theorists gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the quantum theorists gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the quantum theorists gone?
Canada has picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Quantum Books

Last week I stumbled upon a new quantum computing book, Quantum Computing for Computer Architects by Tzvetan S. Metodi and Frederic T. Chong (don’t even try to say that first name outloud, you might break your mouth! 🙂 ) Did you know that quantum computing papers have appeared in the top computer architecture conferences (see ISCA 2006 for example) But seriously, don’t mention this to physics hiring committees 🙂 Update: Commentor toby points out that the entire book is downloadable on the publisher’s website here (well you may need a university subscription??)
In SFO airport the other day I was browing the science section of a bookstore when I came across Punk Science by Manjir Samanta-Laughton. Cool title, I thought, Punk Science sounds very radical. Indeed:

Punk Science demonstrates that ideas from the cutting-edge of science actually explain phenomena that have previously been thought of as paranormal. Dr. Samanta-Laughton offers a new model of the universe, where consciousness generates life, where black holes exist inside our bodies as well as far out in space, and where the same science explains galaxies and planets as well as human evolution, auras and chakras. Drawing on the very latest in scientific understanding, the Black Hole principle outlined by [sic] in this book, represents the next leap forward in both human understanding and living, and gives a closer approximation to scientific reality than the macho-approach of the old-style physics.

Doh, radical indeed.
Oh, and commentor Perry notes that quantum computers feature in a new mystery novel, Simple Genius by David Baldacci. Sweet, having already appearing in science fiction, quantum computing is now in mysteries, which means that soon quantum computing will appear in some high falutin mainstream literature.

GQI Newsletter Online

The latest newsletter for the APS topical group on Quantum Information, Concepts and Computation is now available here. But you knew that already because your a member, right?

Impact of Just Linear Algebra

In an email from the QIC editor:

Dear QIC authors, referees, editors, and readers,
As you may have noticed, in the latest (for 2005) calculation, QIC has an ISI impact factor 3.584 (as a comparison: PRA scores 2.997), while most journals counted by the ISI have an impact factor below 1. QIC is ranked 14th out of 1000+ IS/IT/CS/SE related journals the ISI covers.

That’s a high impact factor for “just” linear algebra!

QEC07 Registration Now Open

I hear it is warm in Southern California in winter. Registration for QEC 07, organized by Daniel Lidar, Todd Brun, and Paolo Zanardi, is now open:

The University of Southern California’s Center for Quantum Information Science & Technology (CQIST) will be hosting the First International Conference on Quantum Error Correction during the week of Dec. 17, 2007. Details are available at and will be updated with a schedule and local links.
The goal of the conference is to bring together a wide group of experts to discuss all aspects of quantum error correction, decoherence control, and fault tolerance. Every effort will be made to include talks surveying the latest experimental progress, and to promote an
interaction between theoreticians and experimentalists. The morning of the first day of the conference will be devoted to a tutorial session. A special emphasis will be made on student participation, through 50 guaranteed student spots, and student travel grants.
The conference is now open for registration and submission of contributed talks and posters. We invite you to participate and would be grateful if you could forward the announcement to others who might be interested.

Protect Me From What I Want

Quantum error correction is a beastly miracle: an astounding discovery which lets us dream of a future quantum computer but which quickly turns into a nightmare when we think of actually implementing it in the lab. Motivated in part by this, a large number of people have been thinking about ways to considerably simplify the problems of building a fault-tolerant quantum computer by designing physical systems where error correction is more a part of the natural dynamics of these systems. This approach is more in keeping with our classical computers where fault-tolerance is built into the physics of the devices we use to compute. There are now many different sketches of implementations of these ideas, ranging from very simple systems designed to energetically combat single qubit errors (quant-ph/0012018), to gapped systems which allow for topological quantum computation (quant-ph/9707021), to four dimensional systems which are fully fault-tolerant (quant-ph/0110143.) But these proposals are all just theory right now. What is interesting is to contemplate the actual physical implementation of these systems in the lab.
Along these lines, a lot of interesting ideas have been proposed. Some of these have been in condensed matter systems, like for example in engineered superconducting systems (cond-mat/0407663 and cond-mat/0111224). At the same time there has been a lot of interest in also engineering these systems in atomic and molecular systems. These proposals including using polar molecules in lattices (quant-ph/0612180, Nature Physics 2, 341 (2006)), engineering the appropriate interactions in optical lattices (cond-mat/0210564), systems of trapped ions (quant-ph/0509197, etc, etc. But care must be taken! Especially when you have to work to get the interaction you need in order to obtain the robustness offered by these energetic schemes.
Case in point is a paper which appeared today on the archive, “Energy protection arguments fail in the interaction picture” 0705.2370 by Ken Brown from Georgia Tech. The basic idea behind the energy protection schemes is as follows. Suppose you have a system whose ground state is a quantum error correcting code. Then you can encode quantum information into these energy levels. If you design your system Hamiltonian correctly then it is possible that single qubit errors, for instance, always take you out of this error correcting code space, i.e. that such single qubit errors all correspond to transitions from this ground state to higher energy excited states. More generally you can design systems, like Kitaev’s toric code, whose ground state can only be excited by errors on a large number of qubits. The basic idea is then that if your environment is cold enough, then the process which would normally cause decoherence are surpressed since EVERY single qubt error (or up to the number of errors the error correcting code can detect minus one) will take the system from the ground state to an excited state of higher energy. In contrast for most physical qubits it is possible to have errors (phase errors) which cause the phase of a quantum system to change without exchanging energy between the system and environment. [As an aside: decoherence when it is perturbative likes to preserve the separate energies of a system and its environment, thus decoherence can either be heating, cooling, or more insideously, these phase errors. Just making a system degenerate doesn’t help you protect against errors since then all errors are these insideous phase errors.] For an example of this type of argument see (quant-ph/0012018)]
Okay, so far so good, hopefully. Now suppose that you want to engineer such a system in an ion trap. Indeed, for example, in quant-ph/0703270, the authors consider engineering a system known as the long range quantum compass model in ion trap quantum systems (a long time ago the short range version of quantum compass model also appeared in the thesis of a lunatic thinking along similar lines.) The way that they achieve the necessary two qubit interactions to implement this model is to use what I like to call the Sorrenson-Molmer interactions (see quant-ph/0002024.) In particular it is possible to take ions in an ion trap, and apply lasers to the ions such that the internal energy levels of the ions couple to the motional state of the ions, and, if you do this just right, you can engineer two qubit effective interactions like, say Ising interactions along X and Y directions: [tex]$X otimes X$[/tex] or [tex]$Y otimes Y$[/tex] in qubit language. Now it turns out that the quantum compass model uses exactly these different competing Ising bonds. So the idea of quant-ph/0703270 is exactly to engineer the quantum compass model in these ion trap systems.
But wait! There was a bold word in that last paragraph. Effective. In particular in the Sorenson-Molmer scheme what you end up doing is showing that in the interaction picture of the ions the effective interaction is the requisite Ising terms along the appropriate directions. What does this mean, in the interaction picture? It means that there is a rotating frame for the ions (rotating both the internal degrees, i.e. your qubits, and the motional degrees of freedom, i.e. the bus) where the interaction looks like the Ising terms. But no system is isolated, so an important question to ask is what does the environment see in this frame of reference. In particular, since you are going to use these interactions in order to protect your system energetically, the arguments about protecting qubits by keeping the environment cold better work out.
And do they? Sadly, no and this is the content of 0705.2370. In particular if you make your effective interaction in the interaction picture, then you’d better look at you system environment coupling which you are tyring to protect against in this picture. Now when you do this what you find out is that the system environment coupling gets changed in an important way. In particular in this frame, the energetic arguments you make about decoherence being either cooling, heating, or phase-ish errors get modified (this argument is basically the rotating wave approximation.) Indeed what you discover is that there are interactions where you excite from the ground state in the interaction picture to a higher energy state and get a change in the zero temperature environment but still conserve energy. What is this process back in the non-interaction picture? Nothing more than spontaneous emission from your ion energy levels. Doh! [As an aside I should note that this effect occurs because the coupling you engineer is much much weaker than the bare energy levels of you ion.]
So the short of the long of this story is that because the interaction you engineer is created in the interaction picture, the arguments about how the system interacts with its environment gets modified. This in effect is a huge problem for proposals like quant-ph/0703270. Further it is a big problem for proposal which try to use Sorenson-Molmer type gates for doing things like simulation of many-body quantum systems (the system won’t thermalize to the thermal state of the interaction you are trying to create) and quantum adiabatic computation (same problem.) But to learn that you’d best check the details of 0705.2370.

2007 Gödel Prize

The 2007 Gödel Prize has been announced and the winners are Alexander Razborov and Steven Rudich for their “Natural Proofs” paper. Here is the citation:

The theory of Computer Science was developed to formalize methods for computation and the problems they can solve. The class P consists of the problems solvable by conventional computers in time polynomial in the input size. Another class of problems called NP requires one to find a solution of a problem where it is feasible to quickly verify that the solution is correct. Many NP problems have no known efficient solution even though they have major practical applications. The P =? NP question has challenged researchers in theoretical Computer Science for many decades and is at the core of the challenges facing this field. This question first began to be actively investigated in the early 1970s when Stephen Cook and Leonid Levin showed that the efficient solution of a “complete” problem for NP could be used to efficiently solve all of the problems in NP. To many in the field, this indicated that P is not likely to be equal to NP, but the question has been open for over 35 years since then. Researchers (Baker, Gill, and Solovay) in 1975 showed that certain general proof techniques known as diagonalization, which had been successfully used to provide proofs in theoretical computer science, could not be used to separate P and NP. In the two decades after that, researchers developed proofs that computational models known as circuits (similar to the circuits in conventional chips) could not solve certain computational problems, in the hope of generalizing those proofs to show that P is not NP. These proof methods, known as “circuit lower bounds,” generally restricted resources of circuits (such as size and/or depth) so the circuit could not solve a given problem. The Natural Proofs paper is concerned with showing that proof techniques using circuit lower bounds are not likely to resolve the P =? NP question. The paper formalizes some properties found in common in all known circuit lower bound proofs, and calls proofs having these properties “Natural Proofs”. The paper provides strong evidence that no Natural Proof separates P and NP, by showing that otherwise a widely held conjecture would be violated. This conjecture is that “pseudorandom number generators” exist; these are procedures that take at input a short random “seed” sequence of bits and then, without further use of randomness, generate a very long (exponential in the seed length) sequence of pseudo-random bits. The resulting pseudo- random bits are actually not random but appear, even to a very powerful computer running for a very long time, to be completely random. The existence of “pseudo-random number generators” is also related to the existence of unbreakable methods for cryptography, also widely conjectured to exist. The paper also proves, without any assumptions, that there is no Natural Proof that certain computational problems often used in cryptography (e.g., integer factoring and discrete log) are hard to solve. Such cryptographic methods are of critical use to electronic commerce, and though widely conjectured to be unbreakable, this implies that there are Natural Proofs for their security. In summary, the Natural Proofs paper proves that a wide class of proof techniques canu2019t be used to resolve the P =? NP and related questions, unless widely held conjectures are violated. The Natural Proofs paper impacts the efforts of generations of theoretical scientists that have worked to resolve the question of P =? NP, and implies that other proof techniques need to be applied (such as non-constructive methods which make use of techniques not allowed by Natural Proofs).