Saturday I did the 12 mile 10,000-12,000-10,000ft Big Tesuque Run. My time was 1:45:30. I was 25th out of 110 and came in 5th in my age group. My time was almost 15 minutes faster than when I ran the course the previous week! Yeah for addrenaline.
A Philosophical Argument
Bell’s theorem tells us that there is no local hidden variable theory which reproduces the statistics of quantum theory. Fine. One way to think about moving onward given Bell’s theorem is to given to look for nonlocal hidden variable theories which reproduce quantum theory. But now there is something strange that happens. If you have nonlocal hidden variables, i.e. quantities describing the state of the universe but which are jointly accessible by two spacelike seperated observers, what is the difference between this and assuming that your notion of spacelike separation is not correct. Suppose you come up with a nonlocal theory. What prevents anyone from reinterpreting your nonlocal theory as a totally local theory in which spacelike separation is defined different? Well there is, as far as I can tell, exactly one difference: in quantum theory we cannot use entangled particles to communicate between spacelike separated observors. But this difference doesn’t disallow interpretting a nonlocal hidden variable theory as simply spacelike separation being defined differently, it just tells us the spacelike sepearation of entangled particles must force a nonsignaling constraint (and reproduce quantum theory!) So why don’t we spend more time thinking about where the structure of our spacetime manifold comes from?
Quantum Gravity?
Patrick Hayden points me to hep-th/0410036. If I understand this paper correctly and the paper is correct, this seems to me to be a BIG deal. In this paper, the author take the Hilbert-Palatini action for GR and adds two terms, both of a topological nature. These terms don’t change the fact that the classical theory derived from this action is classical GR. However, the author shows that these terms make this action the same as the action for an so(4,1) [or so(3,2) depending on whether the cosmological constant is positive or negative] Donaldson-Witten topological quantum field theory. The Donaldson-Witten TQFT is an “exactly solvable” quantum theory. What does this mean? Can anyone say a theory of quantum gravity? I knew you could. As the author puts it, “this proves that exact, non-perturbative calculations can be preformed in 3+1 dimensional quantum gravity.”
[Update 10/13/04: Well that was the quick fall. As Nathan Lundblad notes, the paper has been withdrawn!]
I'm the Gingerbread Man
This coming weekend, I’ve signed up for
I ran the course last weekend and finished in just under two hours. It’s a very spectacular run this time of year because the aspens have all colored up. Just as long as it doesn’t snow on me it should be fun!
Nobel Closed Timelike Curve
I will have you note, that one of today’s Nobel prize winners in physics, David Politzer, has written articles on closed timelike curves (a.k.a. time travel). Does my paper on closed timelike curves look crazy now? Huh? Oh yes, it does.
Hot Enough To Melt…Err I Mean Unmelt…
From an IOP news article:
Law-breaking liquid defies the rules
Monday 27 September 2004
Physicists in France have discovered a liquid that “freezes” when it is heated. Marie Plazanet and colleagues at the Université Joseph Fourier and the Institut Laue-Langevin, both in Grenoble, found that a simple solution composed of two organic compounds becomes a solid when it is heated to temperatures between 45 and 75°C, and becomes a liquid when cooled again. The team says that hydrogen bonds are responsible for this novel behaviour (M Plazanet et al. 2004 J. Chem. Phys 121 5031).
It's Four!
When physicists say “3+1″they are not talking about the number “4”, but usually they are talking about spacetime: three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension. One question which plagues theoretical physicists’ poor little minds is the question of why we see a macroscopic world of 3+1 dimensions. Mostly this is because physicists believe that at small enough length or time scales (large enough energies) the geometry of spacetime itself can exist in nontrivial states of connectivity. Thus we think of spacetimes at small enough scale as existing in all sorts of strange configurations (in some poor little region the spacetime may look like a 10 dimensional manifold, for instance.) “Spacetime foam” is what we call this strange state of affairs. How do we get from this spacetime foam up to where our experiments live and we seem to see a four dimensional universe?
Concerning this problem, I just today read the paper “Emergence of a 4D World from Causal Quantum Gravity,” by J. Ambjorn, J. Jurkiewicz, and R. Loll which was published in Physical Review Letters, (Volume 93, page 131301, 2004.) This paper attempts the following. Construct spacetime by glueing together a bunch of little four dimensional simplical spacetimes. Like I said earlier, if we glue a bunch of these four dimensional simplical spacetimes together, we get something which is not necessarily four dimensional. Now when we do this glueing we should insist on maintain causality (i.e. no closed time like curves and such.) So we can construct these crazy spacetimes, but what do they mean. Well now we associate with each of these spacetimes an amplitude. So there is some notion of an action S for the given simpical spacetime we have created and we assign to this an amplitude, Exp[iS]. Now what one would love to do is to sample over all of these crazy spacetimes and hence calculate the propogators for different such spacetimes. But this is hard. This is hard because of the fact that we have to sample over this crazy oscillating Exp[iS]. But sometimes it is not so hard. Sometimes it is possible to perform a “Wick” rotation and change Exp[iS] into Exp[-S]. This means the problem of calculating the total amplitude looks like adding up a bunch of different spacetimes with weights Exp[-S]: this looks just like classical statistical mechanics! What the authors of the above paper do is they insist that it is possible to perform such a rotation. They then perform Monte Carlo simulations of the resulting statistical mechanical system. And what do they find? They argue that what they find is that the resulting spacetime is indeed dominated by a spacetime of dimension “3+1!”
So starting out from something which had only a totally local sense of dimension (the original building blocks are “3+1”) you glue them together in pseudo-arbitrary (preserve causality, able to Wick rotate) ways (this is what is called “background independence”) and yet, you find, at the end of the day, that you have effectively a global “3+1” spacetime! Amazing, no?
Was It Just Me?
Have I been asleep while the following argument has sprung up among Republicans: the war on Iraq is right because the death and destruction is occuring in Iraq and not in America. Bush used this argument at least two times and after the debate I saw Giuliani make exactly the same argument.
I must have been asleep.
On another note, I was able to mimic Bush almost word for word on a few questions before he answered the questions. It’s like he’s become a song. Or maybe just a broken record.
More $ Please
Go Lazaridis, go Lazaridis, it’s your birthday, go Lazaridis:
Canadian Press
WATERLOO, Ont. — The man who co-founded Research in Motion and helped create a physics research facility in Waterloo, Ont., criticized the federal and provincial governments Monday for not having “the guts” to adequately fund scientific research.
Mike Lazaridis said the governing Liberals in Ottawa and Toronto have “turned their backs” on research.
Mr. Lazaridis donated $100-million to launch the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and $33-million to help start the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo.
The 43-year-old Mr. Lazaridis is the co-founder of RIM, which makes the popular BlackBerry device. He is also the chancellor of the University of Waterloo.
Mr. Lazaridis, who is passionate about research, says politicians are wrapped in “hot potato issues of the day” and have “just lost the guts to face the future.”
“Who are they paying the megabucks to, to tell them that research, you know, isn’t important,” Mr. Lazaridis said. “It just blows me away.”
Mr. Lazaridis made the comments just days before Prime Minister Paul Martin is to attend Friday’s official opening of the Perimeter Institute’s new building. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty is scheduled to visit on Saturday.
A passionate advocate of education and research, Mr. Lazaridis likes to emphasize the importance of pure research, noting that it often leads to important and unforeseen discoveries.
New Job
Name: Dave Bacon
Occupation: Postdoctoral Fellow
Employer: Santa Fe Institute
Number of cars in SFI parking lot with personalized plates starting with the letter “Q”: 2
Beauty of the thunderstorm clouds and setting sun on my drive home after my first day of work: Priceless
So who can guess the licencse plates?