The Ninth Workshop on Quantum Information Processing, i.e. QIP 2006, has its announcement out. Although, strangely the three emails they sent me all crash pine! QIP will be in Paris this year. They’ve switched to making the process of selecting who will talk competitive (computer scientists, I say!) In addition to longer invited talks, there will be long (?!) 30 minute talks and short (I’ll say!) 10 minute talks from contributors. Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it this year due to other obligations. Drats, I’ve always wanted to spend time in Paris!
Subject: QIP’06 Call for Communications
This is the first announcement for QIP 2006, the Ninth Workshop on
Quantum Information Processing, to be held in Paris, France, from
Monday January 16th until Friday January 20th, 2006. You can find more
information at the conference website at .
The program of QIP 2006 will be organized somewhat differently from
the previous QIP workshops. Besides a reduced number of 45 minutes
invited talks there is a Call for Communications at for long (30 minutes) and short (10
minutes) contributed talks. Contributed talks will constitute the
major part of the scientific program.
We solicit your submissions to QIP 2006. Note that the deadline for
submissions is November 3, 2005.
During the workshop there will also be a poster session, a business
meeting, a conference dinner and additional social activities. There
will be a nominal conference fee.
See you in Paris!
The organizers
Miklos Santha, Christoph Durr, Julia Kempe, Sophie Laplante and Frederic Magniez