Off to the March Meeting I Go

Tonight I hop on a red-eye to Pittsburgh to attend the APS March meeting. 7000 physicists in Pittsburgh, now that’s a scary thought for poor Pittsburgh (punishment for winning the superbowl, I guess.)
A list of highlighted papers includes some fun ones:

11:15AM, Tuesday Session B15: “Walking on water: why your feet get wet” Michael Shelley , Jake Fontana , Peter Palffy-Muhoray
1:15PM, Wednesday Session Q15: “Statistical laws for career longevity” Alexander Petersen , Woo-Sung Jung , Jae-Suk Yang , H. Eugene Stanley

2 Replies to “Off to the March Meeting I Go”

  1. Dave, perhaps you might (please) report on Session Q3: Physics and Culture, featuring The Physics of the Blues
    “The techniques of piano blues and jazz represent the melding of African and Western music into something totally new and exciting. Live keyboard demonstrations will be used. Beyond any redeeming entertainment value, the talk will emphasize the serious connections between science and art in music. Nevertheless tips will be accepted.”
    “Tips will be accepted?”
    Best … physics … talk … ever! 🙂

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