I also don’t like United. They’re not so bad when things are going right, but when things start going wrong, UAL seems to have more trouble than anybody else. It’s been a longstanding problem: Back in 1996 one of their customers wrote a complaint letter which got a brush-off. The customer responded by creating the Untied (note spelling) website, which still exists more than ten years later. While I have some horror stories about trips on UAL, I’ve had it easy compared to many of the stories on that site.
Had I mentioned how much I hate United? I mean really hate them? They’re awful.
Hey, at least it’s legible… Have a read of this:
I also don’t like United. They’re not so bad when things are going right, but when things start going wrong, UAL seems to have more trouble than anybody else. It’s been a longstanding problem: Back in 1996 one of their customers wrote a complaint letter which got a brush-off. The customer responded by creating the Untied (note spelling) website, which still exists more than ten years later. While I have some horror stories about trips on UAL, I’ve had it easy compared to many of the stories on that site.
Dunc: awesome.