Look, I’m on physicsworld.com! Sometimes I have a vision that references on the world wide web which form a cycle lead to a runaway internet. You know…looping self-referentially forever and ever and resulting, of course, in a break in the space time continuum. I’m guessing the above link won’t do that. But if it did, I guess this would be the last sentence I’ve ev
Reality is that which if you break it, you can’t buy a new one. I like it 🙂
Careful. If you break reality, no-one’s going to buy you a new one.
You can’t buy a new one, but you’ll definitely pay for it!
Theorist and their frictionless systems…
“…looping self-referentially forever and ever…”
Isn’t that what an urban legend is?
You can’t buy a new one, but you’ll definitely pay for it!
Posted by: qetzal | January 4, 2008 12:17 AM
Yep! It may not be perfect but it is the only Reality we got! LOL! Handle with care. :~)
Dave Briggs :~)