0706.1295: “Reaction Time of a Group of Physics Students” by Charu Saxena, Rini Kaur, and P.Arun. 137 students confirm: class is too long!
O brave new quantum world!
0706.1295: “Reaction Time of a Group of Physics Students” by Charu Saxena, Rini Kaur, and P.Arun. 137 students confirm: class is too long!
I wonder if the 137 is a coincidence…
The very last sentence is priceless: “The Gender myth that girls are poor in subjects like maths and engineering subjects [sic] were also broken in this sample of study.”
quant-ph/0307201: A Preliminar Evidence of Quantum Like Behavior in Measurements of Mental States
Ninety eight students in medicine with about equal distribution of females and males, aged between 19 and 22 years, from the University of Bari, Italy, provided informed consent to participate in the experiment.
In conclusion, the experimental results presented in this paper support evidence of quantum-like statistical behavior of cognitive systems, at least human beings, with indication of mental phenomena not embedded in the traditional physical space.
Girls fared better in this study across all disciplins and age groups. Breaking stereotypes.. All in our batch including girls were amazed at the results..