Comet McNaught

Via Dynamics of Cats, I just found out about Comet McNaught:
Comet McNaught
the brightest comet in decades! Now if only we get a clear day here in Seattle (yeah I’m wishing…today’s forcast is for snow!)
Update: Hmmm seems that I’m getting quite a few viewers due to this post. More information about this comet can be found here and here.

14 Replies to “Comet McNaught”

  1. I’ve been in Seattle for 3 days and I don’t think I’ve seen the sky, skyline or the water. Fog enshrouded half-built skyscrapers are only cool for the first 2 minutes or so.
    Good starbucks selection though.

  2. umm guys..when is this visible to.. like form when to when.. is is too late.. j/ dad wants to know..and i agree..melissa do yuor own damn homework

  3. We saw it on Whidbey Island Thursday 1/11. We hadn’t heard about it and weren’t even looking for it, but there it was!

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