Drink Orange Juice, Attend a Conference, Thaw Out

Pawel Wocjan (who just started on the faculty at the University of Central Florida, congrats!) emails me about a workshop he is helping organize. Florida in November sounds pretty warm!

Call for participation: I2Lab Workshop ‘Frontiers in Quantum and Biological Information Processing’ in Orlando, November 16-17, 2006 http://i2lab.ucf.edu/News/Workshops.html
The Workshop ‘Frontiers in Quantum and Biological Information Processing’ will be held at the University of Central Florida (UCF), in Orlando, FL, on November 16th and 17th, 2006. It is sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Information Science and Technology Laboratory (I2Lab) at UCF. The organizers are James Hickman, Michael Leuenberger, Dan Marinescu, Eduardo Mucciolo, and Pawel Wocjan.
For more information on the motivation, the program, the list of invited speakers and program directors from funding agencies, and registration go to http://i2lab.ucf.edu/News/Workshops.html
There is a limited number of slots for non-invited participants. The registration will remain open until all the slots are filled.

As an aside, anyone who is organizing a conference in quantum information science and would like an announcement like this posted on the Quantum Pontiff should feel free to send me an email. Of course a great resource is Daniel Lidar’s Quantum Computation and Information Conferences.

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