A reliable source (heh, that’s funny isn’t it) tells me that the ion trap dance I discussed here was the “Open Box Salsa.” Because, you know, I’m sure you all really wanted to know that.
(Which of course reminds of a story. So an old teaching technique for those who have trouble spelling (like me) is to learn to visualize the world you are trying to spell while looking, say, to the up and right. You know, that introspective thing you do when you are searching for some bit of knowledge. The idea is to leverage that to help your spelling. Well a few years back I decided that what was more important than remembering things was to forget things. Indeed, like the above information, I’ll bet you were better off without it. So I started training myself to look down when I am trying to forget something. Not sure if it ever really worked. Or at least I don’t remember if it’s worked.)