
There must be a conservation of addictions in the world. Since QIP, I’ve totally given up drinking Diet Coke because John Cortese told me a story about a coworker who went into epipleptic siezures because of the aspertame in the Diet Coke. I’ve gone from around 8 cans of Diet Coke a day to zero. Boy that Turkey sure is feeling cold.
So what have I replaced Diet Coke with? Well tea and coffee, of course. But I’ve also become addicted to the radio station KEXP i.e
I’m thinking of performing an expriment where I give up listening to KEXP and see if I start craving Diet Coke.

One Reply to “Addiction”

  1. Hey Dave, I can help with the radio addiction. Check out the Australian youth station triple j:
    you can listen to it online and for the most part it’s good. Only problem is some of the presenters are a bit new at the job. Playlists are good though.

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