Nature Discovers Physics

The journal Nature has finally discovered physics! For a while now there have been specialized Nature journals for different disciplines. Now, starting in October 2005, they’ve discovered physics: Nature Physics.
Oh and look what at the list of what they will cover:

* quantum physics
* atomic and molecular physics
* statistical physics, thermodynamics and nonlinear dynamics
* condensed-matter physics
* fluid dynamics
* optical physics
* chemical physics
* information theory and computation
* electronics, photonics and device physics
* nanotechnology
* nuclear physics
* plasma physics
* high-energy particle physics
* astrophysics and cosmology
* biophysics
* geophysics

Clearly not alphabetical and quantum physics is number one!

2 Replies to “Nature Discovers Physics”

  1. Pingback: Yin Zhangqi's Blog
  2. In the words of Homer, “WOO HOO!”. I was hooked on the “Nature Physics Portal” for a while but it didn’t seem to quite pick up all the physics related articles. This looks a lot better!

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