New Home New Mexico

Just in case you thought this blog couldn’t get any more painful, I’ve decided to post pictures of the place I am moving into in New Mexico. Those who might actually look at the pictures? Well, my mom will! And maybe those who want to visit me seeing as I have two extra bedrooms!
Here is the outside of the new place. It is at the end of a dead end street (a few blocks from the Plaza) and it is the end unit of a quadplex (is that a word?) “This is the end, my only friend.” Maybe I will call my new house “My Only Friend.” Maybe not.
New Home New Mexico
And what do we have here
What do we have here?
an empty entry way.
Turn to your left after walking through the door and you’ll find the main living room
Where the TV goes
Once I get a couch, and put it in the living room, if you look up from this couch you will see the upstairs
The ledge
and if you stand at the bottom of the stairs you will see
The entry part II
The downstairs is illuminated by this sky window
Sky Light
If all you thought was downstairs was the entry and the living room you are wrong! Wrong, I tell you! Behind the stairs is a bedroom
The stairs again
Downstairs bedroom
And also….a kitchen! I’m not quite sure how you use this part of the house, but it was nice of them to include it:
Cook here
Old refridge
But wait…there is even more. Downstairs there is a “backyard”:
A strange world
Look dirt:
Dirt yard
Looking back at the house
Look back
and wait…what is behind that window?
A surprise for latter!
Let’s go upstairs
Go upstairs
Don’t fall over that rail
Upstairs hall
At the top of the stairs, to the immediate left is another room and the bathroom. The “another room” will be a den/room with the fold out futon
and will also be the home of “Dave’s Laundery Wash and Dry”:
Washer dryer here
And look…a bathroom. Interesting stuff gets done here, you know
A bathroom
Brush your teeth
Continuing down the hall…I said don’t fall over the edge
The ledge
Further around
and you’ll find..
my bed. O.K. so I took this picture after I had unloaded and set up my bed. But it is a surprise, isn’t it? Picachu wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Well that’s my new pad. Spiffy, eh?

3 Replies to “New Home New Mexico”

  1. Nice digs. I especially like the awning/antelope trap in your backyard. Keep any success quiet or you’ll find yourself taking heat for violating the Endangered Species Act.

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