Twenty Nine

Happy Birthday to me!
Rough year, that 28th: dad died, sister’s kidney is failing, family dog put to sleep, the list goes on and on. However, as anyone who has gambled knows my 29th year can’t be nearly as bad as my 28th. Oh wait…doh!

5 Replies to “Twenty Nine”

  1. No man, it doesn’t matter- you just bet twice as much this year! It can’t fail!
    Ack, what a terrible analogy. Happy birthday!

  2. That sounds like an awful year! But they come and go in cycles, these years , and the next one is usually much, much better!
    Keep the ears stiff! (That’s directly translated from German…) And Happy Birthday!

  3. Dave – Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I didn’t send a
    card. I hope you enjoyed your day and yes it will get
    better. As my favorite saying goes: courage comes from taking
    everything life hands you and being your best either
    because of it or in spite of it!
    Lots of love,
    Your cousin,

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