Weight Loss

Well, I’m almost to my goal! Over the past few months I have lost a small child’s worth of weight. The key? 1hour exercise every morning, low low caloric intake, and if I feel stressed I go to the gym and take it out on the machines there.

10 Replies to “Weight Loss”

  1. Your caloric intake must have been ridiculously low! I hope you didn’t lose too much muscle mass, as starvin’ folks sometimes do. Regardless: holy crap: congratulations.
    Now, the obvious question: were you and Michael Nielsen in this together?

  2. Yes ridiculously low. Also lots of stress. Stopping my almost exclusively fast food diet also had something to contribute.
    No Michael and I were independent. However when he left Caltech he left an exercise mat that I have been using, so there is some correlation!

  3. Congratulations, Dave! I knew you were trying to get fit, but that’s amazingly rapid work… you tempt me to work out even more.
    I have to ask: do you still have that gigantic Coke at lunch?

  4. What’s curious to me about the data (beyond the overall scale!) is that the first four gaps in your measurements are all followed by an increase in the rate of weight loss. If you plotted the absolute derivative of your weight as fn of time, it seems that it would look like a series of spikes, each tailing off to zero…until you found some new motivation, perhaps?

  5. Is there a special reason for not using the metric system here? Or is it just because lb is a unit of weight while Kg is a unit of mass, or ?
    I regularly fail 1st year students who do not use metric system on their lab work.

  6. The gaps are places where I was traveling and hence my diet/exercise was in flux. So the day before the first new data burst was a day where I was traveling and hence eating well and not exercising hard. So the weight loss following the gap is mostly water weight.
    I use pounds because my scale reads pounds. I would fail your lab, but I could blame the scale company.

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