ACM Transactions on Computation Theory

As noted by Lance, the new journal ACM Transactions on Computation Theory is now accepting papers. Note for quantum computing theorists:

ACM Transactions on Computation Theory will cover theoretical computer science complementing the scope of the ACM Transactions on Algorithms and the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic including, but not limited to, computational complexity, foundations of cryptography, randomness in computing, coding theory, models of computation including parallel, distributed and quantum and other emerging models, computational learning theory, theoretical computer science aspects of areas such as databases, information retrieval, economic models and networks.

So next time you write a paper which involves QMA, the Hidden Subgroup, etc. etc. make sure to give ToCT a look!

Google Sky

A favorite quote of mine from Vincent van Gogh: “For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” Especially when I can access them through my web browser. Here in Seattle this is greatly needed, since there are vast portions of the winter when the night sky is hidden behind puffy clouds. I mean I need to be reminded every once in a while that I’m a little little speck in a big big universe.
First one to spot a Dyson sphere wins.

Intergalactic Planetary

Paul Krugman proves that not only is a bad ass economist, but that he is also a pretty cool guy:

Thirty years ago I was an oppressed assistant professor, caught up in the academic rat race. To cheer myself up I wrote — well, see for yourself. Joshua Gans of the University of Melbourne scanned a copy of the thing I wrote — back then academics did their work with typewriters, abacuses, and stone axes — and was good enough to send me a copy. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Theory of Interstellar Trade.

I wonder what the equivalent of that paper is for quantum computing? Oh, wait, ALL our theory papers are like “The Theory of Interstellar Trade.”

In Conclusion…Can You Hold For a Second?

How cut-throat is arXiv:0803.0272? This cut-throat (taken from v2 of the paper):

This section will be completed when our error correction simulations have generated more data.

Reminds me of my idea to write a paper and submit it to the arxiv entitled “An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for the Graph Isomorphism Problem.” Sure, version 1, won’t have the algorithm, but hey, why should I make you wait?

March Meeting Summary

I’m heading home from the March meeting, after giving my talk this morning and then having a nice lunch with graduate (and one undergraduate) students at a “Meet the Experts” lunch. Yeah, somehow I slipped by the guards! Luckily a real expert was there, in the form of Paul Kwiat, so all was good and the students didn’t learn anything to disastrous. “What I learned at the March meeting” below the fold.
Continue reading “March Meeting Summary”

Qubits, Qbits, qbits, qubits, q-bits, and light nanoseconds

Hurray! My letter to Physics Today along with a delightful response from N. David Mermin has been published. I particularly enjoyed Mermin’s closing line:

It may be quixotic (but certainly not Qxotic) to try to correct the spelling of an entire community, but I owe it my best shot. What else is retirement good for?

Sweet! Now I can check off from my list of things to do in life: “Get published in Physics Today over issues related to my literature degree.”