Any quantum people in the area of Japan in early December might be interested in ICQIT 2009. Submission deadline fast approaching (Sep 30):
The International Conference on Quantum Information and Technology ICQIT2009 will be held at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan from 2nd to 5th December 2009. ICQIT2009 focuses on the following topics:
QKD and quantum networks,
Large Scale QIP and architecture design.
Quantum Information Theory
Quantum Algorithms
Measurement Based QIP
Optical QIP Implementations,
Solid State QIP implementations,
SQUID systems
ICQIT2009 is now open for submissions of papers. The conference will consist of keynote talks, invited talks, contributed talks, and a poster session. Contributors can choose a preferred presentation type from Poster only, or Oral or Poster. A one-page abstract needs to be sent to to icqit [at] by 30th September.
The keynote speakers for the conference will be,
Keith Harrison (HP Labs, Bristol)
Gerard Milburn (University of Queensland)
Miklos Santha (LRI, University of Paris-Sud)
The list of invited speakers will be found online at
The important dates are
Submission Deadline: 30 September 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 5 October 2009
Registration Deadline: 15 October 2009
THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE FOR THIS CONFERENCE, however a conference dinner will be organized at a cost of approximately 5000 Yen (~50 USD) per person.
This conference is co-organized by the National Institute of Informatics (NII) and the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), and is being held in conjunction with the JST-CNRS workshop on Quantum Computation: Theory and Feasibility.
Best Regards,
The Organizing Committee:
Kae Nemoto,
Masahide Sasaki,
Iordanis Kerenidis,
Simon Devitt.