In 1986 Sheldon Glashow of Harvard University was asked to summarize the theory of everything in no more than seven words. He replied, “Oh, Lord, why have you forsaken me?”
Beyond Quantum Theory
Nothing is more mysterious in quantum theory than the fact that states are rays in a Hilbert space and that the probability law comes from the modulus squared of overlap between the input and output states. I like to phrase this question as “Why Hilbert space?” Of course there may be no “why”! To quote Feynman: “Do not ask yourself, if you can possibly avoid that, ‘how can it be like that?’ because you will lead yourself down a blind alley in which no one has ever escaped.” But let’s assume that there is something “beyond quantum theory.” What could such a structure look like? There are many paths we can imagine for what such a structure could look like. But all of these structures must in some limit or even exactly given an explanation for the Hilbert space structure and measurement postulate for quantum theory. So here it makes a certain sense to begin thinking about what exactly quantum theory is and what exactly quantum theory is not before we embark on exploring what is beyond quantum theory. But I think today, thanks in large part to years of foundational people yelling and screaming as well as the comfort developed with quantum theory from practicing quantum information science, we understand intimately what quantum theory is and what quantum theory is not. Perhaps it is time to move on!
After going through many phases of thinking about where quantum theory comes from, I’ve now entered a new phase. My earliest phases in thinking about quantum theory stressed the information theoretic notions of quantum theory. Thinking like a computer scientist, statistician, or information theorist leads one to a much cleaner idea of what quantum theory is and what quantum theory is not. The quantum state should never, for example, be mixed up with a realistic description of a system. Noncontextuality and the nonlocal nature of quantum correlations are best understood as telling us how we can and can’t think about the information in quantum systems. And, while these points of view are certainly enlightening, this point of view can be taken too far. For example, I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to understand if the correlations produced by measuring entangled quantum states can be seen to arise because these correlations are best for, say, winning some information theoretic game. The best success of this type of reasoning, I think, is the result of William Wootters (two ohs two tees), who showed in his Ph.D. thesis that for real quantum theory the quantum measurement postulate follows from the question of how to best send distinguishable signals through a channel with angular symmetries. But it may be, and this is where my change of heart has occured, that quantum theory does not arise because it is “best at some game” or “natural under information constraints.” This does not mean that we don’t listen to what quantum theory is and isn’t saying from an information theory perspective, but it does mean that we need to move on and look for a deeper structure behind quantum theory.
How might we do this? Well my new phase is based on a philosophical argument I have discussed here before: the nonlocal nature of quantum correlations implies that any deeper theory which explains quantum theory must take seriously that our notions of spacetime topology are wrong. If all our descriptions of quantum theory must have parts which explain nonlocality, then what is the difference in such a description between having nonlocal quantities and saying that our notion of spacetime topology is wrong. In fact I might go so far as to suggest that the failure to quantize gravity (shut up string theorists…just kidding) is evidence that this is the correct approach. Since general realtivity is our theory of spacetime structure, the reason, in this view, for why we can’t quantize general relativity is that general relativity, or some deeper theory of spacetime, is what gives rise the quantum theory. So now, in my new phase, instead of looking for the game quantum theory is best at playing, I think about the geometric constructions which might give birth to Hilbert space and the quantum probability law. I think the most inspiring connection to date of this idea are results in topological field theories, where the topology of the manifold is a dynamic quantity. And there are many who argue that gravity might be a similar such theory where we have a topological field theory with the extra structure of local degress of freedom. A beautiful paper along these lines (but not far enough along these lines) is Quantum Quandaries: a Category-Theoretic Perspective by John Baez.
Which Revolution Greater?
Today at tea we were arguing whether Newton deserves a higher place among the metric of genius then Einstein. I am a sucker for the personal side of science, but to me, the larger problem is the question of which revolution shook our view of the universe the most. There have been three revolutions in physics: Newton, Einstein, and Quantum. Newton said “there is order and math governs our universe” Einstein said “time and space are not what you think they are and further these so basic concepts are maleable.” Quantum said “here an operating system for all our physical laws.” Now which of these revolutions had the greatest shock towards our view of the universe?
Certainly, before Newton, the very idea of physical law was at best a blur. So the revolution of seeing the world before and after Newton is very much a nothing out of something experience. With Einstein, we have a revolution where we had previous concepts, concepts that seem deeply ingrained in our everyday experience, but these concepts are wrong. And with Quantum, we find that our very concepts of what is real, especially when combined with the insights of Einstein, are vastly in contrast to the way the universe works. Which revolution was greater?
Old Bacon
From Scott Aaronson’s upcoming thesis:
For better or worse, my conception of what a thesis should be was influence by Dave Bacon, quantum computing’s elder clown, who entitled the first chapter of his own 451-page behemoth “Philosonomicon.”
Isn’t it great to be in a field where at age 29 you can be considered “elder”? In fact I was just looking at the schedule for the upcoming QIP conference at MIT and was a bit taken back by the youthfulness of the invited speaker list.
Homer No Function Beer Well Without
An amusing little article about beer and geology. Speaking of mountains and beer, anyone remember the Rainier Beer ads with the motorcycle whose engine noise sounded out the words “RRRRaiaiaiaiaiaineeeeeeeeeer Beeeeeeeeeer”?
From today’s New York Times, a few questions for Stephen Hawking
With all your intense erudition, why do you bother writing pop-science books about the universe, the latest of which is the illustrated version of ”On the Shoulders of Giants”?
I want my books sold on airport bookstalls.
Day 4
Half day skiing at Santa Fe Ski Basin. They need about 2 more feet of snow. The funny thing about the Ski Basin is their trail maps where they have drawn in a lift which is “planned.” The planned lift is called the Millenium lift. Sounds like their a little behind schedule.
Stringing Us Along
From the a New York times article on the first string revolution
Dr. Edward Witten of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., described it this way: “String theory is not like anything else ever discovered. It is an incredible panoply of ideas about math and physics, so vast, so rich you could say almost anything about it.”
And thus spoke Voltaire:
The way to become boring is to say everything.
Da Plane, Da Pain
Oh boy: four hours in the San Diego airport! Thought my flight was at two. It’s at six.
Blessed be wireless access at airports.
Quantum Dollars
At the workshop here a claim was made that the world has now spent over one billion dollars in the field of quantum information science since the discovery of Shor’s algorithm in 1994. How many billions more before a useful quantum computer is built?