The Fireplace

A little over a year ago a massive snow storm had blanketed northern California. The kind of storm that hits the area about once every ten years. Upwards of three feet of snow had fallen in the area around my parent’s home in Yreka, stranding holiday motorists in the metropolis of Yreka because the pass over the hill to Oregon, the Siskiyou summit, was closed. After the roads had opened, my dad decided to check on our cabin outside of the small hamlet of Etna. My dad was always active. Not in that hyper way that shouted out that he needed attention, but in the manner of someone who must have woken up some morning and thought “gee there’s a lot of good stuff to do!” So before my dad left to head over the Forest summet to our cabin, he halled in some logs and kindling from outside, crumpled up newspapers, and set our fireplace ready for a fire. He didn’t light a fire, he just set it up in case my mom or sister might want to start a fire to keep warm.
A year ago today, my dad never returned to light or find a lit fire. He had a heartattack when he arrived at our cabin. It’s a cliche to say it, but there’s not a day that I don’t think about him. My dad was, in many ways, my spiritual mentor (certainly one of the reasons I am not a religious person.) In my parent’s home (my home) until today, we never lit that fire my dad set ready.
Today, as you can surely imagine, was destined to be a tough day for my mom. So she had a brunch with some our close friends and she decided, after a year, to light the fire. At first I was sad for the loss of the symbol of my dad’s love for his family. And then I began to laugh. A good laugh straight from the belly. Because I thought: while many men’s fire goes out the day they die, my dad cheated and his fire got an extra year on life.


When you are bored, you do silly things. Today I discovered that on quant-ph, I am a coauthor with 18 people who are in turn coauthors with 295 more people.

Happy New Year

If you survive ’til two thousand and five,
I hope you’re incredibly thin.
For if you are stout,
you will have to breathe out,
so the man next to you can breathe in. – Pink Floyd

Quick, to the Ivory Towers!

Particle physicists have always considered themselves the kings of physics. Murray Gell-Mann famously called solid state physics by the moniker “squalid state physics.” In the ivory towers where scientists picture themselves as selfless serfs in the service of knowledge, particle theorists have long occupied the attic. At the same time, there is another community of the mathematically inclined who claim that they do their work for the greater good of knowledge: programmers. In particular the open source spirit of programming, that good code is in some way eternal and should be shared and contributed to the greater cause, gives good coders an air of superiority not dissimilar to that found in particle theorist.
And when I think about these two fields, I begin to think that perhaps quantum computing is today’s version of the selfless king in search of knowledge. Not only are we learning about the fundamental ways in which quantum information and computation differs from classical information and computation, I think many of us in the quantum computing community also feel that our work will have some greater consequence once a quantum computer is eventually built. We are, therefore, I think a rather smug community not very dissimilar to particle theory or the ethic of the eternally beautiful algorithm. Whether this smugness will be our undoing, our triumph, or our own psychosis with which we will beat ourselves over the head is another question.

It Works On So Many Levels

In some bizarre twist straight from the pages of a Pynchon novel, the Air Force in 1994 became interested in chemicals that might annoy the bad guy and in particular (thanks to a memo made available at the memory hole):

Chemicals that effect [sic] human behavior so that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely effected [sic]. One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior.

As a weak minded liberal I guess I should be happy that the military was finally heeding the hippy mantra “make love not war,” but still..

Scientific Thank You

Who is the most thanked person in computer science? According to an analysis of the CiteSeer database performed by Giles and Councill, the most thanked person in computer science is Olivier Danvy. I was also interested to see that the institutions I’ve been a member of, Caltech, Berkeley, and the Santa Fe Institute, are all in the top ten of most thanked educational institutions (third, seventh, and fourth respetively.) I can understand why the Santa Fe Institute is high on the most thanked list, their extensive visitor and workshop programs are a great way to generate acknowledgements, but I was a bit shocked by how high Caltech was on this list.

Physics 12

On the plane I got quized by a neighboring passenger about tsunami dynamics (“oh, you’re a physicist?”) Here is what I recall from Physics 12:
The waves created by tsunamis are very long wavelength. While typical ocean waves are around a hundreds of meters long, tsunamis produce wavelengths of up to a hunderds of kilometers. Since the wavelength of the tsunami is on the order of the depth of the ocean, tsunami waves are shallow water waves (most ocean waves have wavelength of hundreds of meters and are so are different beasts called deep water waves.) The speed of this type of wave (if you want to be fancy you say “celerity” here) is around the square root of the accleration due to gravity times the water depth (typically a few kilometers). This is why tsunami waves move at speeds of a few hundred meters per second and is also why tsunamis which hit the land aren’t moving at this speed (because the ocean depth gets shallower as you approach land and so the tsunami slows down.)

Merry Christmas

Quoteth Saint Lennon:

And so this is Christmas, and what have you done?
Another year over, and a new one just begun.
And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun,
The near and the dear ones, the old and the young.
A very Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year.
Let’s hope it’s a good one,
Without any fear.
And so this is Christmas, for weak and for strong,
For rich and for poor ones, the war is so wrong.
And so happy Christmas, for black and for white,
For yellow and red ones, let’s stop all the fight.
A very Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year.
Let’s hope it’s a good one,
Without any fear.
So this is Christmas, and what have you done?
Another year over, and a new one just begun.
And so happy Christmas, I hope you have fun,
The near and the dear ones, the old and the young.
A very Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year.
Let’s hope it’s a good one,
Without any fear.

A Holiday Present

From a New York Times article:

After a bitter and protracted recount fight in the Washington state governor’s race, elections officials announced today that the Democratic candidate, Christine O. Gregoire, was now leading her Republican opponent by a miniscule margin of only 10 votes, a stunning reversal of the Nov. 2 election results.