Young Einstein

The nice thing about this New York Times article about the Einstein and the World Year in Physics, is that they provide a picture of Einstein when he was rather young. Isn’t it strange how the picture of Einstein many of us have in our head–the picture many of associate withe genius–is of the older Professor Einstein, and not of the young man working in a patent office?
Many argue that today no one “working in a patent office” could produce the same quality papers as Einstein did in 1905. But I doubt this. Maybe it’s because I still believe that our next fundamental breakthroughs in physics will be both revolutionary and simple. I guess this sits me on the opposite side of much progress in theoretical physics, which has seen a progressive increase in the level of sophistication, from special relativity to quantum theory to general relativity to quantum field theory to the standard model to superstring theory. But I’m a sucker for simplicity, and especially for conceptual simplicity. There are many ideas which are conceptually simple, but whose consequences are very difficult to sort out. And if it’s a simple idea with deep consequences which leads to the next new set of ideas in physics, then why can’t it come from someone passionate who isn’t sitting behind the standard academic bandwagon?

Improv and Smart Lunches

Anyone who has seen good improv must immediately wonder how it is that the actors are able to pull of their trade of theater without preset form. One of the key tenets of improv is the notion of “acceptance.” The basic idea is that when carrying out dialogue one should accept what the other person says and not contradict it. Contradiction will quickly lead one down to a dead-end. You should take what the other actors are saying and make something of it.
When I first read about this doctrine of acceptance in improv I was immediately sure that I’d witnessed this before. Where? While having lunch with groups of scientists. When you get the right combination of smart people together, one of their favority pasttimes is constructing dialogues where someone says something like “wouldn’t it be interesting if….?” and then the rest of the group takes up this “if” and simply goes with it. And if you get a really smart group of people together these rides can be among the funniest and most interesting conversations you will ever have. I noticed this effect quite a lot as an undergraduate at Caltech: students would simply sit around and B.S., but they would B.S. in this very strange manner of accepting something and then taking it further and further with each person accepting the previous idea and pushing it even further.
So, while the stereotype says scientists are barely capable of dialogue (and this is certainly not far from the truth for many in everyday conversation), I would claim that scientists are also among the most versatile improv actors in the world.

Can Time be Measured in Bits?

Every living thing follows along a set path. And if you could see your path or channel, then you could see into the future, right? Like err… that’s a form of time travel. – Donnie Darko

Time is nature’s way to keep everything from happening all at once. – John Archibald Wheeler

The past exists only as recorded in the present.

What is time? This question, in various forms, has been pondered by physicists and philosophers for eons. No doubt, various advances in our understanding of time have been made (the relativity of time for different observers, the symmetry breaking of time invariance as demostrated directly by K^0-K^0-bar experiments, etc.) but there are still enough troubling aspects of time for a good theoretician to get lost in. For example, the role of time in quantum theory (and in particular in a theory of quantum gravity) is one question which has consumed the soul of more than a few physicists.
In physics, a question which often bothers theoreticians is the origin of an arrow of time. The problem roughly is that we have underlying laws which are time symmetric, yet the universe seems to pick out a particular direction for the evolution in time. One explanation for the arrow of time is that it comes from thermodynamics. If we start with a universe which has a very low entropy, then the forward march of time can be marked by the upward increase in entropy. If we had started in a universe with maximal entropy, presumibly there would be no advance of time. But if the increase in entropy corresponds to an increase in the forward direction of time, does this mean that we can measure time in the same units of entropy? Can we measure time, then, in bits?
At first sight, this seems wrong. Take, for example a reversible computer. This computer acts according to reversible rules and so the entropy of the computer does not increase, even though, time is increasing as the computer runs a program. But maybe there is a way out of this puzzle. One possibility is that it is impossible to construct a truely reversible computer. This might seem silly, since we think the laws of physics are reversible, and so we can think about some physical system as enacting a reversible computation. But it’s not clear to me that robust computation is possible with a totally reversible system (more specifically without some effective irreversibility, such as cold ancilla bits which are discarded.)
Another possibility is that it might be true that a reversible computer can be constructed, but that it is impossible to construct a clock without irreversible evolution. I.e. to see the evolution of a reversible computer with respect to time, we need a clock around. Here things get rather tricky. Can’t I can think of a simple reversible two state system which simply cycles between the two states as a clock? I don’t think so. The reason is that a clock isn’t really just a system which counts, but it’s really a way in which we callibrate the basic units of time. So I use a cesium atom as a clock by using it to calibrate what a second is. Thus I run an experiment which performs measurements on the cesium clock which gives me a basic calibration upon which all clocks can be run. But why can’t this callibration be made totally reversible? I’m not sure, but it’s a good homework problem. I suspect that the callibration experiement cannot be made reversible (whenever I try the simple methods to make it reversible, I run into “effective” irreversibilities.)
So it seems that we can measure time in bits, or at least thermodynamic time in bits. What about other arrows of time (such as the arrow of time arrising from K^0-K^0-bar experiments or a cosmological arrow of time?) It would be fun to try and design a K^0-K^0-bar experiment which acts as a clock. And what of the relationship between time being measured in bits and the holographic principle, where surface areas are measured in bits?
See I told you a theoretical physicist could lose his soul thinking about time.

SQuInT 2005

The schedule for the seventh annual SQuInT workshop is now online:

Friday Feb. 18
7:30-8:25 Breakfast (provided)
Session 1: Ion Traps
8:25-8:30 Welcome
8:30-9:00 Chiaverini, “Simple algorithms implemented in a scalable trapped-ion quantum processor”
9:00-9:30 Berkeland, “Quantum simulations with trapped strontium ions”
9:30-10:00 Morning Break (provided)
10:00-11:00 Chuang, “Lessons from NMR for quantum computation”
Session 2: Quantum Information Theory
11:00-11:30 Bacon,”Optimal measurements for the dihedral hidden subgroup problem”
11:30-12:00 Gurvits, “Convex geometry of quantum entanglement”
12:00-2:00 Lunch (provided)
Invited Talk:
2:00-2:45 Steane, TBA
Session 3: Quantum Measurement and Signal Processing
2:45-3:15 Williams, “Quantum signal processing”
3:15-3:45 Afternoon break (provided)
3:45-4:15 Silberfarb, “Quantum state reconstruction via continuous measurement”
4:15-4:45 Geremia, “Optimal discrimination of optical coherent ctates using feedback control”
4:45-5:15 Hawley, “Nondemolition measurement of single spin state for quantum computation based on optically detected magnetic resonance”
6:00-7:30 Poster session
7:30- Dinner (on your own)
Saturday Feb. 19
7:30-8:30 Breakfast (provided)
Session 4: Quantum Communications 1
8:30-9:00 Hughes, “Quantum key distribution in optical fiber networks”
9:00 -9:30 Raymer, “Engineered pure-state single-photon wave-packets”
9:30-10:00 Morning Break (provided)
10:00-11:00 Spekkens, TBA
Session 5: Fault Tolerance
11:00-11:30 Szkopek, “Threshold error penalty for fault tolerant computation with nearest neighbour communication”
11:30-12:00 Eastin, “Fault tolerance for restricted error models”
12:00-2:00 Lunch (provided)
Invited Talk:
2:00-2:45 Schoelkopf , TBA
Session 6: Solid State and Electronics
2:45-3:15 Gibbs, “Vacuum Rabi splitting with a single quantum dot in a photonic crystal nanocavity”
3:15-3:45 Goodkind, ” Progress fabricating qubits using electrons on helium”
3:45-4:15 Afternoon break (provided)
4:15-4:45 Waks, “Cavity-waveguide interaction in photonic crystals”
4:45-5:15 Guney, “Implementation of entanglement and quantum logic gate operations using three-dimensional photonic crystal single-mode cavity”
5:15-5:45 Yao, “Design of solid-state nanodot-cavity-waveguide system for quantum computation and quantum information processing”
7:00- Banquet
Sunday Feb. 20
7:30-8:30 Breakfast (provided)
Session 7: Cold atoms
8:30-9:00 Lev, “Magnetic microtraps for cavity QED, BECs, and atom optics”
9:00-9:30 Chou, “Storage time of a quantum memory in an ensemble of cold atoms”
9:30-10:15 Molmer, TBA
10:15-10:45 Morning Break (provided)
Session 8: Quantum Communications 2
10:45-11:15 Sanders, “Remote entanglement distribution”
11:15-11:45 Wodkiewicz, “Fidelity of noisy quantum channels”
11:45-12:15 Spedalieri, “Exploiting the quantum Zeno effect to beat photon loss in linear
optical quantum information processors”

What I love about SQuInT is that (1) there are both theory and experiment talks and (2) having gone to all of the SQuInTs except the pre-SQuInTs, I get to witness the slow stead experimental progress in building a quantum computer.

Die Comment Spam Die!

Having gotten sick of dealing with all the comment spam I’ve added a plugin which makes you enter a random code when posting comments. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Update: Well it looks like I’ve broken the comments. Will try to fix tonight.
Update: Fixed. Let me know if anyone is seeing anything strange (beside my ugly mug, of course.)

Day 8

Halfday at the Santa Fe Basin with other SFI cohorts. Mostly this trip was notable for a beautiful crash in which I had to hike 50 meters up the mountain to retrieve my ski. It wasn’t so much that I was going fast, as that I did many acrobatic twists as I slid down the hill.

Two Questions

Quantum theory is famous, if for nothing else, than for the various raging debates about the interpretation of quantum theory. One of the issues which has been bugging me in this debate for a while is that I think that sometimes the combatents are actually debating different questions. In particular I would like to make the distinction between (1) the reconcilliation of the classical world with the quantum world and (2) the consistency of post-quantum theories with the quantum world.
In the first question, we ask how it is that the classical world of probabilities arises from the quantum world of amplitudes. Once we say that quantum theory is describing what is going on, then this question I think is important. And I also think we have lots of good reasons to believe we understand at least a little about the transition from quantum to classical. It’s totaly consistent to hold the point of view that there is nothing mysterious about the quantum world, that’s just the way it works, and if we are unconfortable with it, it is because we never directly experience it. In this case, what needs to be explained is how our classical world emerges from quantum theory.
The second question is a different and more challenging question. It asks what kind of theories exist which can reproduce quantum theory (exactly, or perhaps in some appropriate limit.) Often this question gets bungled up with the first question. In other words, we think of finding a deeper theory as finding a classical theory. But the deeper theory need not have anything to do with the quantum/classical transition. In fact, perhaps one of the greatest biases in thinking about deeper theories is that we implicity try to give them classical properties. But this doesn’t have to be the way it works.
Now, when I hear the many debators in the great quantum interpretation wars, the conversation sounds kind of funny. Like, Alice: “Pizza is better than hamburgers!” Bob: “Vegans eat lettuce.” So if you see me laughing when a consistent historian meets a Bohmian realist, you’ll now know why.

Decohered Myself

From an email today:

Greetings Dear Quantum Professor,

A compliment: I can only be a quantum professor if I am coherent. Mostly, however, I am neither coherent nor a professor.