Last Trip

Last trip of the term visiting the Institute for Quantum Information at Caltech this week, my old stomping ground (for seven years!) Those who are bored might be interested in the talk I’m giving tomorrow for the IQI seminar. It is possible that after this talk you might even be more bored, but, well thats a chance you’ll have to take. The title of the talk is “Wasing Away in Hidden Subgroup Ville.” Yeah, I’m still looking for that lost shaker of salt.

CSE 599 – Quantum Computing

The course I’m teaching next term:

CSE 599 (Special Topics in Computer Science)
Quantum Computing
Instructor: Dave Bacon
Time: Monday and Friday, 1:30-2:50, Wednesday 1:00-2:20
Location: CSE 503
What are the ultimate limits to the information processing power of computing machines? Since computers are physical devices, it makes sense to look for the answer to this question through the lens of our theories of physics. Astoundingly it was discovered over a decade ago that there exists a completely different kind of a computer than today’s modern computer. This new type of computer has the peculiar feature that it processes information according to the laws of quantum physics. Remarkably, such quantum computers have been shown to possess superior computing power over today’s classical computers. For example, in 1994 Peter Shor showed that a quantum computer could efficiently factor whole numbers (a task for which there is no known efficient classical algorithm.) This discovery is especially important since it tells us that if we build a large scale quantum computer, the most widely used public key cryptosystems will no longer be secure.
This course will serve as an introduction to the theory of quantum information science. Today this field is too large to cover in one course, but we will cover two of the most exciting fields in quantum computing: quantum algorithms and quantum error correction. No prior knowledge of quantum theory is necessary for this course, but prior exposure to linear algebra will be assumed.
The course will run three days a week from Wednesday January 4, to Friday February 17. Questions about the course can be directed to Dave Bacon at dabacon[aaattt] .

The course has a number which makes it sound like it is for sale, 599.

Jobs in Quantum Information Science

This is the first year in a few that I haven’t been applying for jobs (You might suspect that this makes me less grumpy. Well, judge for yourself!) Now I could be wrong, but is this the first explicit advertisement by a U.S. university physics department for a theory position in quantum information science?

Quantum Information Theory
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Southern California invites applications for tenure or tenure track positions at all faculty levels in the area of Quantum Information Theory.

Well even if it isn’t the first, can we take this as a good sign?

Ski Season 05-06, Day 2

Saturday I went to Steven’s Pass for a day of skiing. This ski area is rather nice, especially due to the fact that they had about a foot of new snow. I suspect, however, that when the snow conditions are icy the place isn’t as much fun. What was amazing about the ski area was the number of people on the runs in comparison to the waits at the bottom of the lift. There were tons of people on the runs, but very small lift lines (at least on the backside.) Also if you go to Steven’s on a weekday, you should go early. Why? Because the wait to buy a ticket was absolutely ridicious. I mean, I have never seen lift lines move so slowly. Oh, and by the way, my new skis rock!

Ion Trap Quantum Computer Papers

Interesting papers in experimental ion trap quantum computation:
Creation of a six-atom ‘Schrödinger cat’ state from Wineland’s group at NIST Boulder, Nature 438, 639-642 (1 December 2005.) Schrodinger’s cat is now six qubits big! And growing! What a cute little kitten.
Scalable multiparticle entanglement of trapped ions from Blatt’s group in Innsbruck. Nature 438, 643-646 (1 December 2005.) In this paper the group discusses experiment they performed which created the so-called “W” entangled state for up to eight qubits. That’s a quantum byte, peoples! Amazingly the group performs full state tomography on these states. Wow that sounds like an awful lot of graduate student hours.

More Dice

The full t’ ‘t Hooft (look I put the apostrophy in the correct location!) article is now posted at Physics World (not Physics Today, as I listed incorrectly in my first post) commentary by Edward Witten, Fay Dowker, and Paul Davies. Quick summary: Witten thinks that quantum cosmology is perplexing, Dowker worries about the emergence of classical physics, and Davies postulates that complexity is the key to understanding the emergence of classicality. Davies suggests that quantum mechanics will break down when the Hilbert space is of size 10^120 and suggests that quantum comptuers will fail at this size. His argument could equally be applied to probablistic classical computers, and so I suggest that if he is right, then classical computers using randomness cannot be any larger than 400 bits.

Digits or Orders

How well verified is the theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED)? If you ask this to most physicists one of the first things that comes to their mind is the agreement of QED’s theoretical calculation of the anomolous magnetic moment of the electron and the extremely precise measurement of this moment. In fact, last night, while I was spending my time usefully watching the Colbert Report on Comedy Central, guest Brian Greene brought up exactly this example (well he didn’t exactly say this is what he was talking about, but it was pretty clear. The interview, by the way, was pretty funny.)
The electron magnetic moment anomoly is [tex]$a={g-2 over 2}$[/tex], measuring the deviation of the electron magnetic moment from it’s unperturbed g value of 2. Experiments done here at the University of Washington by the Dehmelt group in the late eighties gave an experimentally determined value of the anomoly of [tex]$a=1159652188.4(4.3) times 10^{-12}$[/tex] where number in parenthesis is the error. Now that’s a pretty precise measurement! On the other side of the physics departments, theorists have calculated the a value of the anomoly in quantum electrodynamics. This calculation yields an expression for the anomoly in powers of the fine structure constant. This requires calculating Feynman diagrams to eighth order in perturbation theory. The current theoretical calulculation yields an expression, to eighth order of
[tex]$a_{th}=A_2 left({alpha over pi}right)+ A_4 left({alpha over pi}right)^2+ A_6 left({alpha over pi}right)^3+ A_8left({alpha over pi}right)^4$[/tex]
[tex]$A_4=0.328478965579 dots$[/tex]
[tex]$A_6=1.181241456 dots$[/tex]
[tex]$A_8=- 1.7366(384) $[/tex]
The first three of these terms is basically ananlytically known (i.e. can be readily obtained from functions which we can numerically calculate to any desired accuracy) and the last term, which has an error in it, is obtained by a numerical evaluation. So how well do theory and experiment agree? Well we need a value of the fine structure constant! There are many experiments which can be used to determine the fine structure constant. Among the best are experiments done using the quantum Hall effect and yield [tex]$alpha^{-1}=137.0360037(33) [2.4 times 10^{-8}]$[/tex] where the number in bracket is a fractional uncertainty. Using this value of the fine structure constant in the perturbative expansion for the theoretical expression give [tex]$a_{th}=1159652153.5 (1.2)~(28.0) times 10^{-12}$[/tex] where the number in the first parenthesis is the error from the theory calculation and the second is the error comming from the uncertainty in the value of the fine structure constant.
So, now returning to the question I started with, how well verified is QED? Well in the regime where these experiments have been preformed the results agree to an amazying precision. And when explaining this to the public, it is certainly valid to count the number of digits to which this calculation agrees with experiment. But for me, I’m more confortable saying that the above discussion shows that we’ve verified quantum electrodynamics to eighth order in perturbation theory (or to fourth order in its coupling constant.) Why do I prefer this? Well mostly because, as I understand it, modern particle theory basically says that QED must be an effective field theory for some deeper theory. Or in other words, it can’t be QED all the way down. Thus it seems more proper to ask how far down the perturbation ladder we’ve verified QED. And again, while eigth order may not sound as amazing as ten, eleven, or twelve digits of precision, it still is an amazing verfication.
And anyway, who says we should be using base ten for our measure of precision? Me, I’m in a computer science department, so it seems that base two would be much better (and you might even convince me that natural logarithms are even better.)

Best Title Ever Submission: Cryptobaryons!

I thought that Physical Review Letters had a policy about using new words in titles to papers. How then, did Cryptobaryonic Dark Matter by C. D. Froggatt and H. B. Nielsen get by the censors?

It is proposed that dark matter could consist of compressed collections of atoms (or metallic matter) encapsulated into, for example, 20 cm big pieces of a different phase. The idea is based on the assumption that there exists at least one other phase of the vacuum degenerate with the usual one. Apart from the degeneracy of the phases we only assume standard model physics. The other phase has a Higgs vacuum expectation value appreciably smaller than in the usual electroweak vacuum. The balls making up the dark matter are very difficult to observe directly, but inside dense stars may expand absorbing the star and causing huge explosions (gamma ray bursts). The ratio of dark matter to ordinary matter is expressed as a ratio of nuclear binding energies and predicted to be about 5.

Comments Broken

Comments are broken. I’m visiting Portland State Today and so probably won’t be able to fix until this evening/tomorrow.
Update: Well it seems the problem is with my comment preview. So I’ve deactivated that and will be trying to get it running later.
Update Update: I think I’ve got it all fixed. Not sure how I corrupted the entire plugin