They Fired the Quantum Physicist!

Quantum physicist fired from BBC Apprentice TV Show. She was fired by Sir Alan Sugar in a highly non-neutral manner

Delivering his final verdict, Sir Alan said: “This is the real world love, this is not your scientific protons and neutrons.
“I’m wondering, have I got another one here who should really stick to what they know? … You’re fired!”

Quantum Green Tea

Quantum tunelling used to explain operation of Green Tea antioxidant catechins. This certainly explains why everytime I drink tea my pinky seems to tunnell into a strange pointing position. That or the British side of my family tree.

$150 Million

Muchos dollars to fund Research Centre of Excellence on Quantum Information Science and Technology at the National University of Singapore, lah.

Professor Artur Ekert, Director, Research Centre of Excellence, said: “At the moment, you can buy quantum cryptography systems, you can use it in some simple applications but somehow you have to trust companies that sell it to you or you have to test the equipment.
“The kind of quantum cryptography we develop here is probably the most sophisticated that is not available in any other countries so we have some ideas to make it so secure that you don’t even have to trust equipment that you could buy from a vendor.”

Um, First?

This press release is a horrible bastardization of this cool Science article describing the coherent controlled coupling of flux based superconducting qubits near their optimal bias points. Does everything interesting in quantum computing have to come along with an unreasonable press release? Dude, somebody needs to become the universal vetter for these damn things.
Geordie incites Scott‘s hypometer, but not nearly to the record setting levels of Orion times.

Seen in Hawaii

No Smoking Dogs Golfing
But are smoking dogs which are not golfing okay? What about dogs which are golfing, but not smoking?

On the Road Again

5/7: MIT Quantum Information Processing seminar series (4pm in 26-214)

Title: Quantum Algorithms Using Clebsch-Gordan Transforms
Abstract: In nearly every quantum algorithm which exponentially outperfroms the best classical algorithm the quantum Fourier transform plays a central role. Recently, however, cracks in the quantum Fourier transform paradigm have begun to emerge. In this talk I will discuss one such development which arises in a new efficient quantum algorithm for the Heisenberg hidden subgroup problem. In particular I will show how considerations of symmetry for this hidden subgroup problem lead naturally to a different transform than the quantum Fourier transform, the Clebsch-Gordan transform over the Heisenberg group. Clebsch-Gordan transforms over finite groups thus appear to be an important new tool for those attempting to find new quantum algorithms. [Part of this work was done in collaboration with Andrew Childs (Caltech) and Wim van Dam (UCSB)]

5/10: University of Oregon Physics Seminar (4pm in 100 Willamette)

Title: When Physicists Build Quantum Algorithms
Abstract: Our universe is a quantum universe, obeying the laws of quantum theory to high precision. Thus it makes perfect sense to base the most fundamental model of a computer (which is, of course, nothing more than a physical device obeying the laws of physics) upon gadgets which respect the laws of quantum theory. Such “quantum computers” have attracted widespread attention over the last decade, in large part due to the ability of these computers to break modern cryptosystems and to outperform classical computers at certain algorithmic tasks. An important grand challenge for quantum computing these days is to find new quantum algorithms which outperform their classical counterparts. As a physicist, however, you may wonder, “what role can I play in coming up with new quantum algorithms, I’m just a pragmatic physicist?” In this talk I will give examples of new quantum algorithms inspired and devised by physicists, using tools and techniques which are near and dear to most physicists. These new quantum algorithms suggest that there is much that physics can contribute to the theory of quantum computing algorithms.

5/16: Perimeter Institute Quantum Discussions (4pm in room 405):

Title: Quantum Algorithms Using Clebsch-Gordan Transforms
Abstract: In nearly every quantum algorithm which exponentially outperfroms the best classical algorithm the quantum Fourier transform plays a central role. Recently, however, cracks in the quantum Fourier transform paradigm have begun to emerge. In this talk I will discuss one such development which arises in a new efficient quantum algorithm for the Heisenberg hidden subgroup problem. In particular I will show how considerations of symmetry for this hidden subgroup problem lead naturally to a different transform than the quantum Fourier transform, the Clebsch-Gordan transform over the Heisenberg group. Clebsch-Gordan transforms over finite groups thus appear to be an important new tool for those attempting to find new quantum algorithms. [Part of this work was done in collaboration with Andrew Childs (Caltech) and Wim van Dam (UCSB)]

And I’m not even interview for jobs 😉 And look, I’ve got the same title and abstract for my MIT and Perimeter talks. Been a long time since I gave the same talk twice. From past experience the jokes are bad in both talks 🙂

Beware of Roaming Complexity Classes?

Ack am I missing something or is the Complexity Zoo missing most of its inhabitants? Crap I don’t want to get run over by a loose AM! Update 5/2, 2:50pm Whew. That’s more like it. All the complexity classes now seem to be back in the zoo. Most disturbing, of course, was the missing ALL beast. End Update
On a more amusing front, this page on the qwiki is depressing, no?:

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Once I Was a Physicist

I’ve always (not really 🙂 ) dreamed of being in Physics Today (and not in the obituary section!), but I never imagined that when it happened I would be called a computer scientist! From Physics Today, Aprill 2007 edition, in the web watch box (sorry subscribers only!):

Dave Bacon, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, has devised a way to filter the torrent of preprints from arXiv and other servers. His experimental website, Scirate, works like flickr and other social websites. Individual users rank the preprints they come across. Scirate then gathers those rankings and lists the preprints according to their popularity.

My apologies to all you real computer scientists for whom calling me a computer scientist is very much quite an insult!