Computer Science. Is it Really About Computers?

From Bruce Sterling’s Wired blog: Computer Science. Is it Really a Science, and What’s It a Science About? with a link to The Great Principles of Computing. Debating whether computer science is science is sure to illicit elicit forth great gobs of passioned points and counterpoints. This will be followed, of course, by ad hominen attacks relating to the fundamental status of a particular discipline. Finally the whole thing will terminate with everyone going home in a big tizzy.
Me, however, I’ve been spending too much time in computer science theory land so I’m not worried about whether computer science is a science. Me, I’m more worried about whether computer science is really about computers 🙂


Conference in Italy, applications due June 30th:

Dear Colleague,
we would like to remind you that the conference:
“Noise, Information and Complexity @ Quantum Scale”
will be held at E. Majorana Centre (Erice, Italy)
4th- 10th November, 2007.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Fabio Marchesoni,
Stefano Mancini
Physics Department
University of Camerino

Multiday View in

I’ve added a new feature to the ability to view the votes over differing timespans than just one day. Thus, for instance, you can now view all of the papers in the last month order by the number of votes. To get to these views, click on the view menu at the top of the page. Thus, for example, over the last 30 days the top papers are

9 cites: 0705.4077
Title: The power of quantum systems on a line
Authors: Dorit Aharonov, Daniel Gottesman, Julia Kempe
9 cites: 0705.2784
Title: Quantum algorithms for hidden nonlinear structures
Authors: Andrew M. Childs, Leonard J. Schulman, Umesh V. Vazirani
7 cites: 0705.2742
Title: A toy model for quantum mechanics
Author: S. J. van Enk

Balancing Work and Play

Some kids never grow up. Here for example is my nephew Marcus. Watching his uncle Dave, a very overgrown kid, balance a pipe on his nose:
Dave Balancing Act
Note the volcano in the background.


Higgs rumor spreads to Me, I want to start a rumor that a Manhattan project for quantum computing has already built a large scale quantum computer (now wouldn’t that make a certain company which has built a small special purpose analog classical computer mad.)

Karma's Gonna Getcha

A while back, I wrote a post, Laugh Therapy where I described a paper, quant-ph/0610117 by M. I. Dyakonov entitled “Is Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Really Possible?” The tone of my post was flipant and commentors (both online and offline) rightly pointed out that the proper way to resond to such a post is not with my bad jokestering, but by pointing out the technical flaws in the argument. i.e. to respond like a professional and not like a clown (which, of course, is my first reaction to nearly everything in the world.) At the time I didn’t think much about it, except that I agreed with the commentors. But I also thought, but yeah, when will this ever really be important? I mean no offense but large chunks of what I see on the arxiv everyday is, well, kind of junky (and I don’t exclude myself from this category.) So what harm is there in one more paper which I strongly disagreed with on the arxiv?
Karma, however, must have heard these musing in my head, since today I received a rejection for a grant proposal and what did I find in one of the reviews? Yep, you guessed it, a reference to quant-ph/0610117. Doh.

New Comment Feature

After fixing some of the broken features of I decided that it was time that I added a comment feature per paper to the website. So, yep, now you can comment away on any paper you want that is listed on Note that you have to be registered to comment. Of course any comments you have about the comment function being broken is welcome. The recommendation system should also be up and running fully again and hopefully has also been speeded up by some rearrangements I just performed.