Arsenic and Old Dave

I am now the sum of the first four positive factorials of positive numbers!

The most depressing thing about the age of thirty three was that Alexander the Great died at 33. Dude, to be 33 and not have people putting “the Great” after your name is super depressing.


is realizing that you’ve spent twenty straight hours working on a grant proposal. Fry, meet Brain. Brain, meet Fry.

Collaborative Wikis and Research

Over at Machine Learning (Theory), the Learner points to a Scientific American article on Science 2.0 which discusses various efforts in bringing scientists into the 21st century, and scientists reluctance to openly discuss their research in progress in public forums. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I started blogging about my own research. First of all, I’m pretty sure it would bore a large number of people into a deep comatose sleep from which they would never emerge. On the other hand, I’m not a very smart guy, so exposing my work to the vast power of the intertube’s collective neuron pool seems like a smart way to advance my own personal empire building, err… I mean research.
Continue reading “Collaborative Wikis and Research”


Friday I gave out a survey in the course I’m teaching this quarter asking for feedback. Among the many helpful responses, was one, which pointed out that I say “so” a lot. Now, I know that when I write I use “now” a lot, but I really hadn’t noticed how much I say “so.” In class today I realized that there were places where I couldn’t even proceed without saying “so.” So this is a post to remind myself to try harder to figure out how to not say “so.” Its not so easy, I must say.

Baseball Season Has Begun

You know you are spoiled when the place to put your beer is the top of the dugout:
So close, the kid next to me waved at Ichiro as he returned to dugout and Ichiro waved back. Oh, and the guy with the two foot tall Ichiro bobble head doll was kind of scary.

Word of the Day

A word I accidentally mumbled in class: “crudimentary.” I think it means both rudimentary and crude. Anyway, I like it, and am going to try to start weaseling it into as many talks as I possibly can. Speaking of which, here are slides for a guest lecture I gave to the local alternative models of computing class at UW.